Chapter 45: Ow

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I sipped on my water whilst I observed my baby. He was flushed and slightly fidgety. He complimented Doug's pie and received a bow of gratitude in return from him.

"This is a peoples pie." I thought I'd perplex his little pretty face to break the ice.

Since Paris told us it was dinner he completely shut off from me. Was he disappointed that he couldn't return the pleasure?
He was thinking a million things, but he didn't say anything. I knew our moment was also a new experience for him, it was new for me too in some ways, but he put up a hard barrier that said 'don't touch me or come near me'. I didn't allow the gesture to hurt me, because maybe he was readjusting?

"Pardon?" His soft voice questioned as he looked in my direction but avoided my eyes.

Yes, I wanted to catch his attention. I didn't understand his sudden change of mood. I also didn't want him to hide his affections towards me inside the house.

"Within the mixtures of meat you can taste the fine flavour of people in it." I looked away from him as I joked.

"What do you mean-"

"Holly!" In walked Paris with two trays and two plates in her hand. She placed the trays on the side by the sink and walked over to Holland.

He looked as though he was dreading the moment. He shot me a quick sheepish look as if to say 'help'. I didn't quite get it. Was he like this, because he didn't want no one to know of our activity? I was a private man and even if the world knew of my affairs they were left to wonder with whys/whats/hows. Any secret of Holland's was safe with me.. but I don't want him closing off from me.

He needs time to adjust...

"So what was you up to over the last couple of hours?" She had an insightful grin. I've never seen Holland squirm before, so this was interesting.

"I was busy." He didn't dare look towards me, but Paris did with a smug look.

What did Chris tell this child?!

"Busy? Doing what?" She got comfortable and sat beside him.

"Work stuff." He put some of the pie in his mouth.

"Hmm work stuff?" She looked between me and him.

"What's with the interrogation?" He snarled at her and she smiled rolling her eyes.

"Is my brother, Quinny Quin Quin, good at his job? Does his efforts satisfy you?" She squinted at me.

She was going to make quite the success in life! My duty to protect both her and Holland was important to me.
This girl looked young, but her forward manner said otherwise.

"Yes, Paris. Holland is very good at his job and I appreciate him more than he knows. His efforts effortlessly satisfy me." I looked at him whilst I spoke. He looked at me with listening eyes.
"At this rate he will be rewarded continuously." I gave her a grin, though my message was for him. He was trying to repress his beautiful smile, but it peaked through displaying itself on his coy face. My mission felt half accomplished.

"Oh? Well I'm happy for you brother!" She leaned to hug him from the side. He hugged her back and rested his head on hers for a moment.

I liked that he was wearing my T-shirt, my boxers, socks and cardigan. Empowered was how I felt. I've marked him in more ways than one.
I will be over the sun when the day comes when I can actually dive into his soft and delicate neck to mark him.
He is my working progress..

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