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WARNING: Drugs, attempt of suicide and self-harm

Year: 1983. The reader is currently 21.

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Y/n's POV

Holy mother of God. This shit is just... Great.
I just got it in my system and the effects are already working, and better than any other time.

As I could I sat back near the coffee table again and sniffed the line that was on it, giving me the ecstasy I've been craving for. I squeezed my eyes and sniffed in the air "... Shit, wow, dude, what—... What did you say this shit was?" I asked my friend Brooke, who was lying on the floor 

"Huh?" She asked back

"This. What the hell is this?" I pointed at the table. Some of the white got on my index finger, so I licked it

"Uhm... Fentanyl... And uh, I don't remember... Opioids shit, you know"

Die With Your Boots On by Iron Maiden started to play as I reach the couch to lay down.
I was feeling something going down to my body, there are no words to explain it but it felt so fucking good.
Relaxation? It could be.
As if my body was levitating but at the same time it was still? Doesn't have any sense, but it was kinda like that.

Fuck, I need more.

So I did it. I don't know what Brooke created, but it's way much better than any other shit I've done before. One way or another I'm getting that jerk to remember what she used.
I groaned feeling every grain going through my nose.

"Yeah, you can't have enough of that babe" Commented Brooke when I plopped back on the couch "Hey... Hey Y/n"


"How long since you've been in rehab?"

I didn't answer right away. Firstly, cause I was enjoying the rhapsody. Secondly, cause I was counting the days, until I let out a giggle "You know what? I started doing it three days after I return"

"You bitch. You're hopeless, aren't you?" She said snorting

I guess I am.
I know I am.
I've been trying to quit but... I just can't. This is a part of me.

I saw Brooke getting up moving her head at the beat of the song as she was lighting a cig. Weed.

Her long black hair reached below her butt, and her skinny porcelain arms were roaming all over her body as she was "dancing". Like, can you dance heavy metal?
Brooke was wearing some shorts and a v-neck black top that showed her belly, and since it was a smaller size for her, her breasts looked bigger than they are. It was cold, we're in winter for fuck's sakes and she doesn't have a fucking heating. Doesn't she feel the cold?!
I'm here wearing a blouse, an oversized t-shirt over it, a warm sweater, like two lycras going down my feet, sweatpants, fluffy socks, boots for winter and I have a bomber jacket under my head as a pillow, all that giving me heat as well as my lovely drugs.
The difference is that the clothes warm me outside, and drugs from inside.

"Can you keep a secret?" Brooke asked sitting in the same couch where I was, I pulled my legs up so she would be more comfortable "I saw my dad yesterday"

𝐄𝐥𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐚𝐧 ‧ 𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐞 𝐒𝐢𝐧𝐤Where stories live. Discover now