Double Date

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A/N: No one died in the Nightwing Camp, you're welcome :D And this is set in 1984.

3rd Person POV

It was a normal Friday at College of Shadyside, of course the students were craving for the weekend, but still everything was like always, a regular boring day.

Ziggy was walking through the corridors after her literature class when she heard someone running towards her.

"ZIGGY BERMAAAAANNN!" Shouted Y/n not caring about the rest of the school looking at her like she was a weirdo. As soon as she reached her, she stopped to breathe deeply and dramatically

"I don't know her!" Announced Ziggy pointing at her to anyone passing by

"Not... Fuuuuunny" She put her hand on her chest and leaned against her, then she knelt trying to catch her breath

"You want me to call an ambulance?" Asked Ziggy enjoying her drama

"Give me... A secooond... Uufff" Y/n blinked several times until she recovered, then she could stand up and finally talk "Okay, wow... Now... How have you been... Sweet and cute girl?"

A disheveled Ziggy frowned staring at her for a couple of seconds "I don't have money"

"What? No, I don't need money... Yet" Ziggy rolled her eyes starting to walk again, Y/n following her "... I want you to go on a date with me"

"WHAT?!" Shouted Ziggy stopping on her tracks

«It this happening? Finally my life it's getting better and I'm being rewarded by the universe?» Thought Ziggy. Y/n has been her crush for a year, but never said anything about it cause she's pretty sure she doesn't like her back.

"I mean, just pretend to be my date"

«Of course, I don't know why I got excited»

"I need more information" Demanded Ziggy confused

"Okay, so remember Katie and Richie? The guys from the camp" Ziggy nodded. Of course she remembers, the best days of her life because she was with Y/n, but this time as counselors "Well, he finally grew balls and asked her on a date. The thing is that they are really nervous and asked me to join them, but I don't wanna be the third wheel"

"So you want me to be the fourth one?"

"Pleeeaseeee" Begged Y/n joining her hands "It will be fun, I promise. We just have to be there in case things get weird, out of that, it will be like always"

Ziggy thought for a moment, she couldn't say no, it's actually a reason to spend more time with Y/n out of the typical 'study session'.

"We're bowliiiiing" Chanted Y/n knowing Ziggy enjoys go bowling

Ziggy sighed looking at her eyes, she nodded like thinking for a moment until she gave her an answer "Fine, but you better get me ice cream"

"I WILL! YOU'RE THE BEST!" Y/n yelled excited and tossed herself embracing Ziggy "I couldn't think of a better date than you"

"Yeah, right. You could've asked Andy Craig and he would have said yes" With a scowl, a half smile and her face, Y/n asked her what did she mean "C'mon, he fancies you, it's pretty obvious, and you kinda like him"

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