Hiding Feelings

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SUMMARY: October, 1986. You are Mike's twin.

3rd Person POV

"Admit it, Wanda is better than Captain Marvel" Said Y/N arguing with her brother chillin' out in the basement

"You couldn't be more wrong. The tesseract gave Carol the powers, the tesseract! Do you know how powerful it makes her? Carol Danvers would kick Thanos' ass"

"Remember that Wanda's powers come from the mind stone. I don't deny that Captain Marvel is more resistant and strong, but Scarlet Witch is the most powerful"

As the Wheelers argued, the party consisting of Max, Dustin and Lucas, went downstairs listening to their debate. Max arrived first rolling her eyes as soon as she heard the topic of conversation.

"Nerd alert" Said Max making Mike give her a bad look, almost like always

"Would you tell my frog-faced brother that the Scarlet Witch beats Captain Marvel?" 

"Shut up, Booger, everybody knows Carol is better than Wanda" 

"I really couldn't care less" Said Maxine sitting next to Y/N on the couch, arms touching

"Of course Carol is better than Wanda, you're talking about the one that beat Deathbird, the most feared enemies of all time"

"Thank you, Lucas. Clearly there are cultured people here" Said Mike standing next to Lucas

"You guys are such idiots, if you had gone to the last convention with me, you would know that Scarlet Witch would destroy Apocalypse single-handedly, and everybody knows Apocalypse is more dangerous than Deathbird" Said Dustin now on Y/N's side

"There seem to be smart people" Replied Y/N crossing her arms

"Max is the tiebreaker" Commented Lucas pointing at Maxine with his hand, she just huffed 

"I don't know anything about your stupid comics"

And so she wasted ten minutes listening to them talk about those two characters. But if she's honest, she only focused when Y/N spoke. The passion with which she spoke about her favorite hero and the smile that was drawn on her face every time Max asked her a question on the subject, made her fall more in love with Y/N.

"So, who do you think is the best?" Asked Dustin

"Isn't it obvious? This... Uh... Mage, Scarlette?"

"Ha! See? Even she thinks she's the most powerful" Said Dustin "It's the Scarlet Witch by the way"

"Her opinion doesn't count, she hasn't even read the comics" Commented Mike pissed off, turning around in search for his D&D chart, meanwhile the other two boys were still arguing 

"Why is he acting like a jerk?" Said Max resting her back on the couch

"He's Mike, always acting like a sassy jerk" Hearing that made Max snort "Today is a year since El left with Will"

Although the five of them were still close and great friends, they felt that void that only Will and El could fill.

"Let's go, I'm a nerd for the comics, but not to play Dungeos and Dinosaurs"

"Dragons" Max corrected her standing up with her

"Potato patato" Y/N shrugged, taking Max's hands to go to her room

Ted and Karen weren't at home for the weekend, Holly with them, so the party planned a sleepover at the Wheeler's. 
They had some activities for the night, like watching horror movies eating junk food, playing some board games —other than D&D— and maybe a getaway to The Palace.

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