Love & Death

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Y/n won't deny that Ziggy was the best thing that could have happened to her at Camp Nightwing.

Ziggy was just as Y/n imagined, a clever and determined person with a wild but pretty soul, although it was hard for her to open up and to be vulnerable, but little by little Y/n is getting to know that part of her.

On the other hand Ziggy thought that Y/n would be like any Sunnyvaler, a conceited and classist person. But she realized Y/n wasn't like that, she was very friendly, kind and funny.

Every night they would sneak out of their rooms while the others slept, to spend the night together in a cabin to which no one had access, only them. Sometimes they would missed the group activities that were in the programs and preferred to explore the surroundings.
Something was growing in them. As well as they grew closer with the passing of the days.

And being that close was something that bothered Sheila.
You see, she and Y/n were best friends, Sheila was the one that enrolled her in the camp to spend more time with her.
Y/n knew that Sheila didn't like the Shadysiders, but never thought she would be a bully reaching the point of physically abusing them or sending others to do it for her. And that was something that was beginning to annoy her.

Just as Y/n didn't understand the repudiation that she had with those of the neighbouring town, Sheila also didn't know why so much empathy from Y/n towards them. Especially for Ziggy Berman.


Y/n tried to stop Sheila when she hung Ziggy from a tree to literally burn her, but Becky and Annie held her from her arms as she was yelling at her to stop.

"Sheila! Don't do it!" Yelled Y/n squirming under their grasp "Are you fucking crazy?! Leave her alone!"

"No Y/n! This witch has to learn her lesson!" Said Sheila ready with her lighter "This is the last time you mess with me, Berman"

That was the breaking point for Y/n.

After being interrupted by Nick, Sheila started to call and then shout Y/n's name as she saw how she was walking away with the redhead. Sheila felt a lump in her throat knowing that Y/n preferred Ziggy.
Now she hated Ziggy even more.

Y/n accompanied her to see the nurse, although Ziggy asked her to wait outside.
She was there when she and Cindy argued feeling a little uncomfortable.
And she helped her clean up the mess they had made in her room listening to how Ziggy cursed at her enemy.

The best of all happened when they launched their revenge locking Sheila in the bathroom throwing cockroaches at her.
Ziggy took Y/n's arm and dragged her out of there as they were laughing, hearing Sheila's screams.

Both girls ran through the field together holding hands, their giggles echoing through the place as the moon shone on them, until they entered one of the cabins ceasing their laughter. They were making fun of Sheila, even Ziggy compared her scream with the sound of a frog.
Wandering through the cabin they spent their time talking and gossiping while checking the animals in their cages.
Finally the redhead let her feelings speak for her, telling her past and how her life is in Shadyside. I mean, after a year, she deserved to know the truth.
Y/n would also learn more about Ziggy Berman, even though they spent the last summer together in the camp, there were things that Y/n got to notice on her this time, for example, Ziggy always looks up when trying to remember something squinting her eyes slightly, or that sometimes she bit her nails when she's focused on the conversation.

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