Dinner Complications

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This is from one of my comfort movies, Cheaper By The Dozen. But with small changes.

3rd Person POV

Sadie and Y/n couldn't be happier. They had each other, sharing their lives for more than twenty years, loving each other as they promised once in church when they said "I do".
Both met in college and Sadie knew from the very first moment that Y/n was the one for her.

They also shared their love with their children, their treasures.
Five girls and seven boys. Twelve in total.

Twelve was their number after all. They loved each and every one equally. Having a family this big was their big dream come true.

Sadie and Y/n adopted Nora first, five years later they welcomed Charlie, followed by Lorraine, then Henry, next Sarah, later Jake, a year later Mark, then the fraternal twin sisters Jessica and Kim, Mike was their tenth son, finishing with the identical twins Kyle and Nigel.

Sadie used to be one of the most acclaimed actresses by directors and producers, until she decided to leave the world of acting to focus on her new world.
Even so, not long ago she wrote a book about what it's like to be a mom of twelve, and she's crossing her fingers for it to be published.

The Sink-Y/l/n, was the largest family in number of children, and one of the most important in Hollywood even though that title only falls to them thanks to Sadie, since none of their kids followed the same career as her, but that is not something that discourages her, she was always an understanding mother who supports her children in whatever makes them happy.

Until one day, a decision the wives made didn't make their children happy.

Y/n had received a huge job offer, something she had dreamed of, and Sadie had witnessed all the effort her lover had put in since they met.
But that meant moving, leaving the place where their children grew up and already had a formed life. None of them took it well and flatly refused to leave Midland, each had their reasons, like Charlie who didn't want to be 4 hours away from his girlfriend, or Henry who didn't want to leave his band, nor did Lorraine want to leave her friends like the rest of her siblings.

Yet, they had no choice but to accept it and moved to Evanston. Even Y/n tried to convince them with the idea that they will be closer to their older sister Nora, since she has been the only one who left the family after graduating.

One would think that things could not get worse, but it did.
Weeks had passed since the move when Sadie got a call saying that her book would be published, but that she would have to go to New York for two days.

Even though they're both the mothers, and both could manage the kids as a team, Sadie is the one in control at home, so leaving Y/n in the care of the kids for just two days worried her a bit, plus she's never been away from her children for more than 24 hours.
But this was her dream, and Y/n wanted her to take the chance, reassuring her she could do it.

And so they did, Sadie went to New York leaving her wife with nine rascals. She didn't need to worry about Nora since she lives on her own with her boyfriend, nor Charlie or Lorraine, they were teenagers in their own world.
Still, nine kids was a challenge.

Currently, Y/n was in charge of dinner at the same time she was taking an important call. It was a mess. She had no idea what they guys were doing, although she gave them the order to do their chores. She just knew they were out being kids.

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