Chapter 13: Don't Want Your Love

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The boy sighed, remembering that Charles would be with him through the whole thing. He just had to remember to avoid talking about the magic, Gordon, Reinhart, and The Doctor.

"Just breathe, Brandon. I'm here."

He did as he was told and stepped out, walking slowly to his father.

"Brandon! Where have you been?" Allan exclaimed, running up to him.

"Say you were with Evan. That much is true."

"Uhh, I was with Evan. I've... Been going through a lot. I needed alone time after Reinhart, and... There's just so much going on in my life. I felt like all I wanted to do was run away."

Allan half-smiled and hugged his son tight. "Your mom was worried sick. And with The Emergency going on... We thought you died."

Uh, wow. It wasn't that serious. It had to be The Emergency talking. They seemed to be really bad off.

"Go see your mother. You're doing good."

The two entered the house, and Margaret stood there, crying. "Brandon!"

She ran to him and hugged him as well, bawling. "I missed you so much!!"

B. Wells didn't know what to make of the situation. Were they just going to forget everything that happened with Reinhart, and him running away, or-

"We've been so depressed lately. Both of us. The Emergency was bad enough, and with you gone, it made everything all worse!"

"Just say what you feel."

"It's alright. I'm fine, Mom. I just needed some time away. Don't worry, I still went to school and work, it just took a while, going to and from Victor. But we worked everything out, me and Evan."

"Wait... You went to school... But you never bothered to tell us where you were or what you were doing?" His dad asked, concerned.

"That just would've made you more worried!" Brandon argued. "Like I said, I just needed some time away from everything."

"Away from us?" Margaret shot back through tears.

Allan walked over to his wife. "Margaret, calm down-"

"You don't just leave for days without telling us! Never! I can't believe you! We love you, we do. And we can help you. You just need to-"

"Well, maybe I don't want your love right now! I've been going through too much emotionally right now. It's really hard. Please, just... Stop ganging up on me!"

"Well, it's about time someone ganged up on you, for God's sake!"

"Margaret!" Allan yelled out frantically. "Alright, Brandon, go to your room! We'll talk about this later."

"What? But-"

"Go!! Now!"

Margaret continued to cry as Allan hugged her, trying to calm her down.

B. Wells hurried off to his room, frustrated. He sat down on his bed wanting to just collapse.

It was then that the wise voice returned.

"Brandon, that was not a very smart thing to do, lashing out at them."

The boy sighed. "I know. But it was true. There's just too much for me to handle right now. And with The Emergency, they're worse than ever!"

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