Rocking on The Mountains

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He was now ready to whoop anyone's ass as he was thinking when a suddenly some  tendrils started coming out of him as the nearby debris and trees dashed towards him because the tendrils were pulling them towards him

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He was now ready to whoop anyone's ass as he was thinking when a suddenly some  tendrils started coming out of him as the nearby debris and trees dashed towards him because the tendrils were pulling them towards him. The debris and trees crashed onto him but he was alright as he changed into his armor at the correct time. If he didn't had these powers then he would have been a dead meat.

Izuku jumped up then launched both of his Whips at them one dodged it and one tanked the hit with his shields. As Izuku was about to retract them when he was pulled towards the bald man and a big blade was stabbed in Izuku's whole body.  As The bald man took out his blade then threw him towards the hooded one who just used the same weapon to slash  him across the chest. Izuku fell down heavily bleeding he was injured really bad. As the bald guy and the hooded man was about to cut him with there blades when he took out his claws then grabbed both the blades and  stabbed them then started walking behind them when suddenly spikes came out of their body like a bomb was implanted into them. He again started consuming both of them when he was shot dead at his head with a shotgun.  Though it didn't cause anything to him. He started walking towards the other persons when both of the men were shouting at them to run away. But they didn't listen to them . They started shooting him again . Izuku came near them and grabbed both of their guns and consumed them surprisingly.  Both were in horror but kept a brave face . When Izuku said something.

Izuku: Go away from here you will get hurt . (As he turns around and about to walk towards the men when he was smacked in the head by a Ebony girl ( Disclaimer: I am not a racist I didn't had a proper and gentle word for black men and women so used the word " ebony" please don't say any mean comments towards me I respect both sides of people)

Izuku: Why did you do that?( he said calmly)

Ebony girl: Yeah, and I am about to let my dad get beaten by you no way!

Izuku: Your dad wants you to leave for your own safety.

Ebony girl: Oh Yeah and let my dad get killed by you, never!!

Izuku: I didn't even want to hurt them in the first place but they did .( still calm)

Ebony girl: they were hunting you because you would cause chaos in this universe with the virus!

Izuku: Oh you guys know about the virus!(surprised)

The bald man: Yeah we know so what!

The hooded man: we shouldn't had disclosed this to this man.

Izuku: Woah Woah watch your mouth foreigner I am an independent 15 years-old.

All of them were shocked that the man they were hunting was a 15 year old boy.

All four: HUHHHHHHHH!!!

Izuku:Uhhh excuse me but we should leave this place because authorities will arrive soon in this place to find out what happened here let's talk somewhere else.

All four : (simply nodded)

To some safe place= his hideout.

Izuku:I never disclose my hideouts to anyone but I got some questions for you.

The bald man: Well let's first introduce ourselves shall we?

Izuku: Alright my name is Izuku.

The bald man: My name is James Heller.

The hooded man: My name is Alex Mercer.

Woman with a Jacket and guns on her:My name is Dana Mercer I am his sister.

Ebony Girl: My name is Amaya Heller.

Izuku: So you guy's are also foreigners. Hey is the virus is actually a  weapon?

All four of them were quite.  Then Alex spoke up.

Alex: Yes it is a biological weapon. How do you know that ?

Izuku:Someone told me.

James: Who?

Izuku: A certain God whom I will not be able to meet you guys with.

Dana: And why is that?

Izuku: Because I don't know how to do it myself.

Everyone was silent.

Izuku: So what happened to your world to toss out a vial of the virus that I carry
And what is it name?

Alex: Our world was almost torn apart by the virus or biological weapon that we carry.  The Blacklight virus .

Izuku: So I carry Blacklight virus.

Alex : No you carry it's better version Blacklight 2.0 .

Izuku: hmmm.

Amaya: So what is your goal with the help of the virus?

Izuku:To punish the people who wronged me and get my revenge on them for destroying my life.

Dana: So don't plan to start a  rebel against humanity?

Izuku: No?

Dana:hmmmm. I think our work is here done we can go home .

Izuku: What was your goal even?

Amaya: To make sure the virus wasn't in dangerous hands but you give us hope that it is in safe hands. But what do you think about humanity does it need to be perished?

Izuku: I don't know . My heart tells me  it still can become better than before if given chance.

Amaya: So what is your whole story about your revenge?

As Izuku proceeds to explain his past to them and their eyes become watery because he didn't had a good life. He just wanted to be loved . But all he was pushed away.  The four people then started hugging him which honestly melted his heart and he started sobbing but was comforted by both Amaya and Dana.

Infected/Prototype DekuOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora