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It was like Kyle and I were destined to cross paths.

We bumped into each other at the grocery story, literally. I was carrying an armful of fruit, bread, and cheese when I slammed into what felt like a wall of muscle.

Somehow I managed not to drop my dinner but the poor wall wasn't as fortunate and his one of his potatoes landed on my foot. He did manage to hold on to his steak.


"I'm sorry, I—"

We looked up at the same time and recognized each other.

My stomach flipped.

His eyes widened. Nostrils flared.

"Lucy." He said my name with such longing, my heart squeezed.

Before I could embarrass myself, I picked up his potato to give me something to do. I was nervous.

"I have your potato!" As soon as I said it, I winced at how ridiculous that would sound to him.

He didn't seem to notice my awkwardness. "Thanks. I-uh, how are you?"

"Good."  The word flew out.

Something flashed in his eyes. "Really?"

"No." I shifted my burden. "What about you?"

"I miss you."

My heart tripped. Those three little words wrapped around me like a warm, cozy blanket on a cold December morning.

Suddenly, a storm of confetti descended like spring rain and an announcer came on the intercom. "Congratulations, to the one-hundredth customer!"

Kyle and I stared at one another while the announcement went on.

"Everyone is taking home a complimentary cupcake with your purchase!"

Employees walked around with individual plastic containers of cupcakes, and I added them to my armful.

"Here, let me help," Kyle said, reaching for my falling groceries.

Shifting my burden quickly, before he got closer, I smiled. "Got it. Thanks. I should probably get going."

The moment had been stolen.

"I'll see you later, Lucy."


Later turned out to be Wednesday night Bible Study.

Entering the room, I stopped short when my gaze landed on Kyle sitting beside a pretty brunette. On the other side of her was Jase. "Did you know about this?" I whispered to Katie.


Jase's smile slipped a notch when he saw me, but he still motioned us to join them. I'm sure this was more for Katie, but he couldn't exclude me without being rude.

"C'mon," she urged. "We are at church. Let's try to be nice to our friends."

The comment stung. I had no intention of being anything other than nice and with this in mind I gave Jase my brightest smile. "I think your boyfriend wants you to sit with him."

"He's not my boyfriend," she hissed as we walked to their table, stopping to greet several people who introduced themselves.

When Kyle glanced up and saw me, I tingled at the look of pleasure on his face. He pulled out the free chair beside him, but Jase quickly took it despite Kyle's frown.

As it turned out I sat several people down from him, and I was disappointed but Kyle wasn't the reason I'd come to Bible Study. I sat my Bible, notebook, and pen on the table as well as the book for the class.

Loving Him (Him Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now