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I couldn't stop thinking about my visit with Kyle.

Seeing him was like opening the dam of feelings I'd been holding back ever since Izabelle told me he was getting back together with Ava. I wanted to blow off the appointment with my family, and run back to the hospital to finish the conversation with Kyle, but I couldn't let down Aunt Karen and Lindsay.

I barely had enough time to make it back to my apartment to shower and change before the appointment.

Slipping into a simple, black knit dress with sandals and pulling my hair into a low ponytail, I hurried knowing Aunt Karen was a stickler for punctuality.

I walked through the bridal shop doors right on time. They were, of course, waiting on me. One day I was going to arrive before them, unfortunately, I was sure I'd have to get wherever I was going a whole hour early for that to happen.

"Hi, Aunt Karen. Lindsay."

"It's nice of you to join us, Lucy," Aunt Karen replied coolly.

"Mom, Lucy is only a few minutes late." Lindsay smiled sympathetically.

Late? I glanced at my watch. Twice. I was not late! Opening my mouth to protest, I stopped when I noticed how elegantly they were both dressed and I glanced down self-consciously.

Lindsay, who looked like a model, was wearing slim black slacks, a snowy-white, wrap-around blouse, and ultra-expensive-looking heels. She'd adorned the outfit with diamond earrings, a flashy tennis bracelet, and the multi-karat, platinum engagement ring that Brandon had given her.

Aunt Karen looked like Lindsay's older sister with a trendy angled bob, and she was dressed in a sleek black dress that made my own look like I'd bought it from a discount store, which I had.

"Lucy, dear, you look absolutely...quaint," Aunt Karen waved a French manicured hand in front of my $19.99 dress. "Where did you get that dress?"

I told her.

Aunt Karen and Lindsay exchanged a look before they started laughing. "Oh no, Mother. I think she's serious."

Their dainty laughter vanished and both mother and daughter's expressions morphed into false sympathy. "If you and your father need money, we'd be delighted to assist. Helping the less fortunate is one of our virtues."

"No, but thank you," I managed with a straight face. "I know a few organizations that could use your help." I named a few of the ones I knew the church supported.

"We attend church services every Sunday, and make a very generous donation." Aunt Karen did not appreciate the suggestion. Her lips pursed, but her regularly scheduled cosmetic injections would not allow her to frown. Lindsay gave me a tight-lipped smile.

Aunt Karen told me the name of her megachurch and pastor, which I'd already known from her numerous social media posts.

"Stand up straight," my aunt snapped as the manager of the boutique approached.

I did as she asked. Unless I was willing to write off my mother's family, I had to pretend their disapproval didn't bother me.

My mother's twin brother, Parker, was vice president of a local drilling company, and he kept the family in a luxurious lifestyle with a mansion in a prominent community, fancy cars, vacations, and shopping sprees that cost more than my rent.

Dad said they had no appreciation for money, and that they couldn't really afford all of those things they bought. He'd be fine if we never saw the Fontaines again but he tried, for my sake, to get along with them.

Loving Him (Him Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now