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"Don't look now, but your favorite doctor is headed this way."

We were having coffee in the hospital cafeteria when Izabelle delivered the news with a knowing smile. Of course, I looked.

She kicked me from under the table. "I said don't look," she scolded.

"That makes me want to look more."

Her gaze was fixed behind me on Dr. Hotchkiss. "You never told me about your date. I bet he's going to ask you out again."

That wasn't going to happen. Unlike Izabelle, He knew I had a boyfriend.

"Hello, ladies," Stephen said smoothly, catching the attention of several other female staff members. "I hope I'm not interrupting anything."

"Not at all," Izabelle replied sweetly. "We were just talking about you." She grinned, and I got an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Lucy tells me you two had a fantastic time together."

I had to hand it to Stephen because he didn't miss a beat. "I'm glad to hear she had as much fun as I did."

Inhaling a shaky breath, I pasted on a smile.

"I actually need to ask a favor, Lucy. Tommy has been asking for you. He's had a rough day. The chemo is taking its toll, and I thought it might help lift his spirits if you could stop by and see him before you left."

I frowned, thinking about Tommy's bad day. Misunderstanding the reason for my expression, Stephen added, "If it's a problem, maybe Izabelle can see him."

"It's not a problem. Give me five minutes and I'll be right there." Glancing at my watch, I was surprised at how late it was. I had a few more patients to see today, Kyle included, but somehow I'd make it work.

"Remember, we rode together Lucy," Izabelle reminded me. "But I can come back and pick you up." She made it seem like picking me up would be a major inconvenience.

"I can give her a ride home." His gaze slipped to mine and an uneasy feeling gripped me. I wanted to say no, but it was just a ride. "Thanks."

Izabelle was smiling like she'd just won concert tickets. I wondered how I would explain this to Kyle.

I didn't mind spending more time than I'd planned with Tommy, but I knew I was in a time crunch by the time Stephen and I left the hospital. We reached the parking lot where his sleek, silver sports car sat in all its glory.

I felt uncomfortable when he followed me to the passenger side of the car, but I knew he was only being considerate. He opened the door for me, and I slid into the buttery soft leather that molded to my back.

"Tommy was in good spirits," I said conversationally to Stephen.

Stephen smiled easily. His wrist, with an expensive watch, was propped casually on the steering wheel, and he looked relaxed and in control.

"He loves it when you come to visit. All the kids do. Thank you for seeing him today."

"You don't need to thank me. I was glad I could help."

He threw me a curious look. "Your boyfriend isn't going to be upset that you're late?"

Maybe it was his way of asking indirectly if I had a boyfriend since Izabelle had made it seem like I was into Stephen.

I'd texted Kyle at the hospital to say I would be late, and he'd texted back, Take your time. I'll be here. "No. He won't be mad."

"Oh, so you do have a boyfriend. I was wondering after what Izabelle said."

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