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Kyle didn't seem surprised to see me, and he didn't even try to detach Bunny from him. "Lucy." He gave me a curt nod.

My temper spiked. It didn't matter that we were broken up, how could he replace me so easily? What about his faith?

"Kyle." I spoke loud enough to be heard over the music since we weren't standing that close. My gaze took in him and Bunny. "Sharing the gospel?" The question was sharper than I'd intended.

Bunny's eyes narrowed and zipped down me, as if trying to determine if I'd be a threat. She shimmied her body seductively against Kyle, roping her arms around his neck in a gesture that clearly stated, he's mine.

Only this time, Kyle stepped back, taking her arms and setting her away from him. Bunny pouted. Leaning down, he said something in her ear, which made her smile up at him and reluctantly flounce away.

I did not miss the warning look she shot at me before leaving. "Don't go on my account." She didn't hear me, but he did. I figured Kyle would be embarrassed or at least regretful that I'd seen him with Bunny. Instead, he seemed irritated.

His boots ate the distance between us, and I felt his hand settle firmly on the small of my back. I stepped out of his reach and watched the surprise play on his features followed by hurt.

I stiffened. "Isn't one date enough for you?"

"You think she's my date?" He sounded incredulous.

"Hookup," I corrected, but Kyle didn't seem to like that term either.

He took a cautious step toward me like he half expected me to wallop him and I admit the idea held appeal. "We need to talk."

I shrugged, acting nonchalant, and he took my hand, leading me through the crowd. Where he was taking me I wasn't sure, and I'd have to wait to find out because he turned and suddenly pulled me into his arms when we reached the dance floor.

Despite everything my belly fluttered. "We haven't done this in a long time."

I knew he was thinking of that night two years ago. I could never forget it.

I loved how I felt in his arms, one of his hands on my waist and the other holding mine. My skin tingled where we touched. We two-stepped around the dance floor, our bodies moving in sync to the slow beat of the song about a guy trying to win back his love.

He smelled incredible. I couldn't resist leaning closer, feeling safe, as if I'd finally come home. When the song ended, we stood facing each other awkwardly. A storm brewed in his eyes. I had the feeling he wanted to say something but wasn't sure what.

At last he led me off the dance floor. Missing a step, I stumbled but he caught me. His lips brushed my temple. "I'll never let you fall, Lucy."

A gush of warmth flooded inside me.

Kyle led me outside onto the covered deck where a handful of people were hanging out smoking. He jerked his head to the picnic table away from the smoke. In a move that made my stomach dip, he lifted me high into his arms easily and set me on the table facing him.

My gaze flew to his leg, and I suddenly realized that he wasn't limping. I couldn't believe I hadn't noticed it before. I'd been too upset watching him with Bunny to see what should have been obvious.

"Your leg. It's healed."

His eyes caught mine. "Does that make a difference?"

I wasn't sure what he meant. Taking a deep breath, I tried to focus, which was much harder than I expected. "Of course it makes a difference."

Loving Him (Him Series Book 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن