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I couldn't tear my gaze off Kyle.

He was standing on the deck with his back to me, grilling something that smelled delicious. My heart puffed up like a blowfish. For a moment I stopped and watched him. His movements were fluid, confident, like a well-trained athlete.

The feelings stirring inside me were unfamiliar. It wasn't physical desire—well, it was that too. But attraction took a distant second to the connection I felt with him. It was as if his soul completed mine.

Sensing my presence, he turned and his smile stole my breath. He was very handsome, tall with broad shoulders, and rippling muscles. He had a strong jaw and features that had a dazzling effect on females.

We both started toward one another at the same time, stopping inches before we touched. It wasn't enough.

Taking another step, my leg caught the metal of his IIizarov and I winced. Kyle flinched.

"I'm sorry." I stepped back, peering down at his leg before looking up at him. "Did I hurt you?"

He frowned. "That's what I was going to ask you."

I smiled. "No, I'm good."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'll be glad to get this hunk of metal off my leg."

"Only a few more days." Kyle got around so well with the device on his leg that most of the time I forgot he had it, but I knew he never did.

His easy confidence and lack of complaint made it seem like he wasn't self-conscious about his leg, but I thought it bothered him more than he let on.

We were sitting on the deck eating the fajitas he'd grilled when my suspicions were confirmed.

"Lucy, I might never walk again without a limp." He said it in the same tone he might say, I need to get my oil changed soon. It was the first time I'd witnessed vulnerability in him and my heart hurt.

"Kyle, you're healing faster than expected. The IIizarov is coming off a week early, and you've exceeded your therapist's expectations." I spoke to him like I would a patient, calm and positive, stating only the facts.

"I know all that," he replied quietly, holding my gaze. "I think I'll make a full recovery, but there's always the chance that I won't."

"You shouldn't worry. We've prayed. It's in God's hands." In a feather-light touch, his fingers brushed my hand, making my skin tingle, and my thoughts scrambled like an egg.

"You're right. I trust the Lord." His eyes crinkled at the corners with a smile. "I like how casually you said we, like we're in this together."

"We are." He continued his sweet assault on my hand, and the words trembled from my lips.

"Lucy." My name sounded like deep, rough velvet on his lips. "I'm lucky to be alive and I know it. If I end up with a limp, then I'll walk a little slower. If I need a cane, I'll go buy one. Whatever happens, I'll accept it, but you don't have to."

I couldn't believe what he was saying. "You don't think I'll stay with you if you end up with a limp." I was hurt and angry that he'd think that.

"I don't expect you to answer right away." He acted like that made things easier on me, but it was more like a lit match to a stick of dynamite.

"You don't?"

"Think about it. Or you can wait and see what happens before you decide. I'm not going anywhere."

"If I was hurt, Kyle, would you leave me?"

The question took him by surprise. His brows shot to his hairline. "That's different."

Loving Him (Him Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now