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Kyle was out back on the deck grilling when I showed up the next day.

Turning, he flashed a heart-stopping smile that made my pulse dance. Wearing aviator sunglasses, he looked like a movie star. Flustered, I managed to croak, "Hey."

He glanced at the sports watch on his left wrist. "You're late. I was beginning to think I scared you off."

"Do women usually get scared when you show interest in them?" I teased.

"You're the first one in years. Go easy on me. You could crush my ego."

I fought a smile for fear it would turn out more of a big, goofy grin. "It'll take more than the threat of a date with you to scare me."

"Good to know." He chuckled. "I'm grilling burgers. Stay and have dinner with me?"

Plates, napkins, buns, and other condiments were set on the table. "Ok." Had he planned to ask me? Butterflies fluttered in my belly. "Can I help?"

"Talk to me." He turned to me. "I grill better with conversation."

My blood hummed with what I thought was desire. I wished I could see his eyes. It would help to know what he was thinking, but maybe it was better I couldn't.

"Have you finished the book of Samuel?" I blurted, needing to stop the trespassing images in my head of Kyle and me.

"Both of them. I shifted gears and headed to the New Testament. I'm reading Mark." He answered easily, seeming unsurprised by the question, and I realized he wasn't overcome with desire or whatever it was muddling my brain.

For a few seconds, I wished I was wearing something more appealing than scrubs. I firmly pushed that thought aside. "Ah, the shortest book in the gospel. He didn't elaborate like the other writers did."

"I take it you're more of a John fan."

He studied me behind the glasses. I echoed something I'd heard Sarah say. "Each gospel has something we can learn from."

"Wise and beautiful. I like having someone I can talk to about the Bible."

He flipped burgers and watched the muscles work in his arms. My mouth went dry. When he slid the glasses down his nose and peered at me, I realized I'd been staring. "Who do you talk to?"

Kyle threw me a questioning look, a smile playing on his lips. "I meant you."

I blinked. "Me?"

One brow arched. "You're a believer, aren't you?"

"Well, yes, but I—I'm new to the faith. You should probably talk to someone else."

He gave me a strange look.

"I'm sorry." I had a distinct feeling I'd let him down. "I wish I understood more. Jesus is the only way to heaven. I know that much."

"That is everything," he said gently.

"A lot of the Bible I don't understand," I confessed, feeling inadequate.

"Hmm." He watched me, his expression thoughtful. "Maybe you understand more than you think."

"I do a lot of searching for commentaries when I read."

"You mean you're not one of those people who think they know everything?" he asked with a smile in his voice. "Next you'll tell me you don't post out-of-context Bible verses on social media."

I laughed. "I've done that a time or two. When I first found Jesus. Guess you've never made that mistake."

"I'm not much for social media. I delivered those messages in person," he said with a self-deprecating smile. "A few people still run when they see me."

Loving Him (Him Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now