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"Wake up." Jase sounded panicked.

I am awake.

When he spoke again, I realized I hadn't actually said the words out loud. "I'm sorry. Just open your eyes. Kyle's on his way."

It took considerable effort. My eyelids felt heavy. "I'm fine," I croaked.

"Oh, thank God." I heard an audible sigh of relief. "I'm sorry. I'm a jerk. He's my best friend." He wiped his face with his hand. "I shouldn't have spoken to you like that.

"Don't apologize." I realized all the sudden that I was on the ground and Jase was holding me. I tried to sit up.

"You need a doctor. I can take you or call an ambulance."

"No." When I was finally in a sitting position, I prepared to stand. Jase helped me up but didn't let go. Maybe he realized my legs were wobbly.

"You fainted."

"Let me sit down a minute and I'll be fine." I gestured to a porch chair.

Kyle's truck pulled into the drive, the door swung open, and he stepped out. My heart slammed against my ribs. Wearing jeans, boots, and a black pullover he looked breathtaking, and I drank in the sight of him like it had been forever since we'd last seen each other.

He ran to us and lifted me into his arms. To Jase he asked, "Did you call an ambulance?"

"She says she's ok."

Hearing the concern in Jase's voice, I started to get embarrassed for causing such trouble. I wanted to stay in Kyle's arms but pushed against his chest. "You can put me down. I'm good. Just a little dizzy. No big deal."

Kyle's ocean blue gaze locked on mine. My breath caught, and his eyes glittered. I felt his muscles tense, and with one last look at me, he set me on my feet. Standing took considerable effort, but I did it without swaying.

"I can get you water," he offered, concern swimming in his eyes.

"No, thanks. I need to talk to you."

"I figured that's why you're here." He jerked his head to a chair. "Sit down."

I suspected he said that for my benefit because he looked like sitting down with me was the last thing he wanted to do.

"I'll leave you alone," Jase said, clapping Kyle on the shoulder.

"Thanks for taking care of her."

Jase glanced over at me, and I could tell from his expression he expected me to complain about him to Kyle. "Thank you, Jase."

He actually smiled at me before he left. It was progress.

Kyle pulled the porch chair beside mine to face me, and he got to the point. "Izabelle told me what happened with Ava." He looked at me, gauging my reaction. "I know she's pregnant, but the baby is not mine."

I hadn't expected him to lay it all out like that. Surprised, I said the first thing that came to mind. "How do you know?"

His expression registered disappointment. "That the baby's not mine? I haven't slept with Ava, or anyone else, in years."

He was telling the truth. My world tilted off-center. "She said you were the father," I said making it worse.

"And you believed her without even giving me a chance." Kyle's voice was calm, but his eyes filled with hurt. "I know it looked bad. I get it, but instead of talking to me, you ran."

If he'd been angry, it would have been easier to bear. "I came to see you. I didn't want it to be true. I—"

"Lucy." He took my hand in his. There was finality in the way he said my name that made me realize we were done.

Loving Him (Him Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now