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 "What happened between you and Kyle?" Izabelle asked the next day, while we sat in a Mexican restaurant enjoying lunch.

"We talked." I scooped salsa on a tortilla chip. "Kyle changed a tire for some people from a retirement home. We made new friends. He took me home."

"You talked, rescued some folks, and made friends..." She motioned me to continue.

I sighed, feeling discouraged. "I found a piece of paper in his truck with a room number from the Plaza written in a woman's handwriting."

Izabelle's delicate brows lifted. "Did you ask him about it?"

"Yes. He said it wasn't what I thought."

Izabelle frowned. "He wouldn't lie, but you should have made him explain."

"I would have, but someone called security on us." I saw Izabelle's eyes widen. "We were arguing when the guard showed up."

"Sounds like an interesting night. At least no one called the cops."

"That's the standard by which I judge all my dates. At least no one called the cops."

Izabelle laughed.

"Did you see Dad last night?"

A blush spread across her cheeks. "It's weird hearing you call him Dad."

"Noted. Did you see Captain Donovan last night?"

"Yes, but there's nothing between us, Lucy, at least nothing interesting." She seemed disappointed about this. "I think your dad thinks I have a drinking problem, and he's designated himself as my sponsor. He drove me home last night."

"He is protective," I replied carefully. "Is it bad he drove you home?"

Her chin lifted in defiance, but there was no heat in her gaze only sorrow. "I don't need a babysitter."

"What do you need?"

She sighed, studying a chip. "I'll let you know when I figure it out."

I decided to change the subject. "Izabelle, are you and Kyle spending Thanksgiving with Ava's family?"

"We always do." Her brow crinkled. "Does that bother you?"

"A little, yes. Ava told me how much she loves Kyle."

Izabelle stared at me, clearly shocked. "She said that to you? That does it." Her fingers moved quickly over her phone.

"What are you doing?"

"You and Kyle are going to work this out today." A moment later she said, "He'll be here in ten minutes."

When I shot her a puzzled look, she explained, "I told him you were crying and I couldn't calm you down. Don't be mad."

"You did not text that." She looked totally serious.

"Actually, I did," she said unapologetically.

"He'll think I'm crazy."

"Lucy, my brother is so in love with you that it wouldn't matter." Our food arrived and she waited until the waiter left to continue. "I'm sorry Ava did that. I've never known her to be that selfish."

I'd already forgiven her. "She was honest."

"She's the crazy one. You're too forgiving," she complained, dipping a chip in queso. "I'd have ended up on a daytime talk show."

"Lucy, is that you?"

I turned at the syrupy sweet voice and was surprised to see Lindsay and Brandon with Aunt Karen and Uncle Parker. Keeping a tight reign on my emotions, I stood to greet my family.

Loving Him (Him Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now