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The next day I glowed with happiness.

I'd asked God to give me the strength to do His will and keep my paths straight.

I was finishing laundry when my phone rang. I set a stack of towels on the counter before fishing my phone from my purse and answering. It was my doctor with the results of my blood work. I listened without fear.

"Knock, Knock. Who's there?" Katie called, strolling in with a bag of donuts and coffee. It was her usual entry saying, but his time I answered.


She gave me a blank look. "Anemia who?"

"According to the doctor, that would be me," I answered, aware my joke had gone wrong. It was corny. Clearly, God had not called me to be a comedian.

"That's not funny. Are you ok?" she asked, looking concerned.

"Yes, I just need to eat more protein." My gaze fell on the white paper bad in her hand. "For now a hot glazed donut will do."

"Well, I've got plenty. Heard you and Kyle left together last night." Katie wagged her brows.

"We talked." The goofy grin on my face was telling.

"Amazing how communication can solve ninety-nine point percent of problems." Katie pulled out a barstool and sat. "Brace yourself for the news."

"What's wrong?"

"Ava is on her way over," she said with a roll of her eyes. "She called Izabelle hysterical and begged to talk. Izabelle suggested they meet somewhere, but you know Ava she as to have her way."

"Why would she want to meet here?"

Katie made a sound of disgust. "You know why. It's impossible to cause drama without an audience."

The door flew open and Izzy burst in dressed in running clothes, searching the apartment. "She's not here yet? Thank goodness. I didn't want you to be blindsided Lucy."

I reached for my coffee. "I don't mind if Ava visits. It's not a big deal."

"Yeah, well, you didn't hear how she was carrying on. I love her, but the performance was way over the top."

"Did she tell you what she wanted?" Katie asked.

"No. That's what was weird. She insisted we sit down in person here." Izabelle cast a worried look my way. "You and Kyle are finally moving on. This is the last thing you need."

"Nothing she has to say will affect us." A sense of peace washed over me, and I knew it would work out.

The doorbell rang several times, and Katie and Izabelle shared a look.

"Stop," I said gently. "It's all good."

Ava barged past me as soon as I opened the door.

Spinning to face us with tear-stained cheeks, she announced, "I need a pregnancy test!"


"Oh, well, are fully stocked. Let me go get one." Izabelle's voice dripped sarcasm. "Do you have a particular brand in mind?"

"Izzy, I'm serious!" Ava stomped her little foot.

"So am I. You know these two are pure as the driven snow. Obviously, you think I'm slutty enough to keep pregnancy tests on hand."

"Izabelle." I placed my hand on her arm. "She didn't mean it that way."

Ava's red-rimmed eyes flew to mine. She seemed surprised I'd defend her, and I was a little surprised too. "I'm sorry," she sobbed. "I didn't know where else to go."

Loving Him (Him Series Book 1)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz