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"Looks like rain," Kyle said later that night as we sat on a pair of park swings in the deserted park.

The night was warm, the sky starless, and a breeze rustled the canopy of trees.

"I don't think you want to discuss the weather."

"Your dad wants to kill me." His expression was stoic. One brow lifted. "I suppose he's a good shot."

"Yes, but he was just joking around."

He glanced at me, his expression grim. "Lucy, he went for his gun."

"He didn't have it." As far as reassurances went that was weak. "I admit it was a rough start, but dinner went well."

"The part where we ate was fine. The Karaoke—not so much."

"It wasn't that bad." I winced. "I had no idea my dad wrote songs."

"You'd never heard him sing, Stay away from my baby girl?"

I thought his lips twitched. "Never. He used to sing at church when he was a teenager, but that's about it."

Kyle got off the swing and paced, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. "The song was funny," he admitted, his mouth tugging at the corners. "Too bad it was about me."

I slowed the swing but didn't get up. "He's never seen me with a man. Please don't hate him."

Surprise flickered in his eyes. "I'd never hate your dad or anyone. I'll ask God to work this out."

I traced a circle in the dirt with my boot. "I'll pray too. Next time will be better. He'll have forgotten all about this."

Kyle grabbed my booted foot pulling me toward him. "I shouldn't have kissed you. It was impulsive. Stupid."

I placed my hands on his face. "This will seem funny one day."

"Right. We're collecting stories for the grandkids," he said easily, pressing his forehead to mine. "You sure you're ok?"

"I have a lot to be thankful for."

He pulled back just enough to look at me. Cocking a brow, his gaze flickered with interest. "Anything in particular?"

"Not really." It took all the effort I had not to crack a smile. His gaze searched mine. "Ok, it's you, Kyle. I thank God every night for you."

"I thank Him for you too," he whispered, threading his fingers in my hair.

We were lost in each other's eyes when the first few raindrops fell, but soon the sky opened and a cascade of water poured down on us.

Grabbing my hand, Kyle led me to his truck and when I stumbled he turned and scooped me up high into his arms.

"Your leg!"

"It's fine."

We were laughing and soaked to the skin by the time we reached his truck, and I shivered.

Reaching into the back, he grabbed a jacket and handed it to me but I shook my head. "I'll get it wet."

"Take it, Lucy."

Something in his voice prickled the back of my neck. Glancing down I saw my clothes plastered against my body. My gaze flew to Kyle who sat looking straight ahead with his jaw tight. He had noticed.

I put on the jacket. We sat for several minutes while the storm raged outside. "I don't want to go home." I wasn't sure where the words came from.

He said nothing but started the truck. The short drive to his house seemed to take twice as long and not just because of the storm. Tension sizzled between us.

Loving Him (Him Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now