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Kyle pressed a penny with a hollowed-out cross into my palm. "For your thoughts." His smile warmed my heart. I refused to dwell on what it was doing to the rest of me.

"I should probably let you sleep. It is 3 o'clock in the morning."

"I can sleep during surgery." He brushed a piece of hair from my cheek, making my skin tingle at the feathery feel of his fingertips. "I've been searching my whole life for a woman who will get out of bed in the middle of the night to pray with me."

"Should I leave before she gets here?" I teased.

I felt his deep chuckle all the way to my bones. The awareness of him was astounding. I was about to suggest we go downstairs, but he was still packing.

"I found this passage last night while reading. Heal me O Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved for you are the one I praise."

"Jeremiah 17:14." The corners of his mouth kicked up. "No matter what happens, I'll praise God. I have everything I've ever wanted."

Not for the first time I was in awe of his faith. "You're not afraid?"

He didn't hesitate. "No. I trust God."

"Your faith is supernatural." I rubbed the penny between my fingers. "I trust God too, but sometimes I get scared and question things like why can't I make Izabelle and Katie, even my dad understand how wonderful God is."

"Only the Lord has the power to make them see. Jesus said, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them...'"

I suddenly realized how well Kyle knew the Bible. He was quiet about it, but his faith was stronger than mine. Tears of relief filled my eyes. I needed his strength and guidance. "What if he doesn't?" I whispered.

"Faith, sweetheart. Keep praying."

Taking my hand in his, we bowed our heads and spoke to the Lord. He asked God to bring our loved ones to Jesus, he prayed for me, and finally, he asked the Lord to watch over him in surgery.

Afterward, he finished packing.

"Knowing you, you'll be up and walking around this afternoon."

Kyle grinned. "Lying around doing nothing is the worst part of being in the hospital."

"I thought it was the food."

"That's a close second. Enough about me. Did you have fun last night?"

He didn't seem concerned that I'd gone to Shooters without him, but I felt strange about it. I quickly debated saying anything about Ava, not wanting to upset him. "We did. Ava joined us."

He was quiet for a moment, before giving me a knowing look. "Ava told you that she came over last night."

I looked up at him and nodded. "She did."

Taking my hand he pulled me closer. "Lucy, I don't want you thinking I've got something going on with Ava. We've been patient with Izabelle, but it's time to tell everyone about us."

"I know. My dad didn't get why we were keeping things a secret."

He gripped his neck. "Imagine him not understanding that," he drawled, sarcasm coating the words. "At least he hasn't hunted me down yet."

I tossed him a smile. "He's waiting until Saturday."

"You're hilarious. Good thing I love you."

Hearing the affection in his voice, my heart swelled. "We're meeting Saturday, but if you're not feeling up to it, I'll cancel."

Loving Him (Him Series Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now