We'll Meet Again

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the world has now found peace. the empire grew to be more futuristic and the ships that once were heroes are now remembered in the history books. the world will now head to space where the sky is no longer the limits. however, that's not why you're here. 

No one's POV

under a sakura tree laid the sleeping man who had been asleep for a long time. he laid under the tree for years and never moved till no. he felt something to him that was familiar was near. "sh.....

Jasons POV 

you sat around the lake, your brother is still asleep even after all these years he never woke up. "they should be arriving soon,"  you noticed something wagging behind a tree "right on time,"  you approached waggy tail and then a head popped out. "ahhhh," a woman fall onto the ground. "who... are you," she asked afraid of you, "Jason Matsu," you said this made the fox lady silent 

"you're jins....

"big brother," you said "so floofy lady you looking for him," you said 

"hmmmhmmm," she nodded 

"well he's still asleep," you said "aren't there two more of you," 

"hmmm," she nodded 

"well, let's go find them," you helped her up and went looking for the other two 

you walked onto a grassy plain that swayed with the wind and you saw a woman wandering around it. 

"yamato," the lady said and ran to her you followed along 

"shinano," the wandering woman said and ran towards her 

"yamato," shinano hugged her sister 

"wheres Jin?" yamato asked 

"I'll take you to him, but we need to find the last of your sisters," you said 

yamato looked at you "who are you?" 



"yah yah yah yah his big brother," you brushed it off "let's go," you lead the two kitsune into a shrine. 

"she should be in there," you climbed up the stairs "wait here," reaching the top of the shrine you see two kitsune 

"oh ok here Musashi the man who will take you to him," amagi lead musashu to you. you took her hand to the where the others are. 

"lets go meet him now" you took the kitsune under the tree he sleeps. 

"now he's been asleep for a while so just be...........

"darling," musashi runs and hugs him, she could hold back her tears years without him left her feeling so lonely. she buries her face in his chest. 

jin as if on instinct had wrapped around the kitsune. 

"he's waking up," you smiled "fuck it just go to him already," 

the other two ran to him, they too hugged him and cried there eyes out. they eventually calm down and hugged him and wrapped their tails around her husband 

you walked to a far isolated house in the woods. "kumi," you said you hugged her

Jins POV 

you woke up finally feeling refreshed and energized you realized it was pitch black. you also felt you were being crushed. your were feeling floof, a crushing force and your shirt was soaked 

you tried to get out but you couldn't then you stopped. you felt a mix of happiness and sadness "so you're all here," you said you then blew into your sleepy wive's fox ears. they woke "Shinano, Yamato, and Musashi saw their husband looking at them. no words were spoken as they just held each other for all of time. as fate will not take them away from each other no more 

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