The Date

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"oh my you asking me on a date," the empress said with a sly smile 

"yes you seem to be the least insane siren here," you said 

"mmmmmmm ok then sure it better be good," the empress said 

you grab her hand then teleport to your home "ok this is the spot for our date,"  you show her your house "what why is there a van outside my house," you look through the window and see a family "they sold my house," 

"I'm waiting on this date," she teased 

"well we have a problem my old house got sold," you said 

"old house how do you know you had a house," she asked 

"well in my false memories it showed me a house and t was this one and i thought i would've actually owned this house," you said 

"you know they're fake," she said she put her hand on your cheek "don't believe them," 

"God damnit Kumi you put my house on sale,"  you kicked down the door of the house and ran inside "get out of my house NOW," you yelled 

"its that man on the news mommy," a little boy said "he's a siren," 

the family realized this and took the boy ran out through the backyard and fled their house. "well look now we have a romantic dinner," you said 

she just stood there she didn't see this coming from you a small blush stained her face

"well are just going to stare at me or are we going to have dinner," you said you check what they were eating "they were having ramen," 

she sits down and you have dinner, you make her a bowl of ramen, and you clear off the table of all the dishes and eat you grab chopsticks and start eating a lot "you got better at eating with chops sticks," the empress giggle . "i just practice in my free time if I do it you can too," you eat keep eating more and more then you ran out "you haven't touched your ramen what's wrong," 

"i dont need to eat," she said

"well eat for fun food is amazing its tastes and the dishes you can make," you said 

"well i guess i could eat for fun,"  she eats a bit then keeps on eating and continues, "mhhhh this is good want more," 

"well i can make you some," you said 

"you know how to cook," she said 

"well i thought i could blend in with the humans and that way i can infiltrate their ranks 

"hmmmmmm interesting i guess you could blend into their society," she pondered "that could work," 

"i hear sirens," you said you grabbed her hands and you ran out of the house  you start out running the empress how wasn't used to running "damn it," you princess carried her and you ran "we need to avoid the police," you ran into the city and the police cars are patroling "ok we need to blend in," 

"well I'm going to get spotted easily since I'm albino," she said "well then I have an idea you use the winds to boost you up on the rooftops "wow this looks....," 

"beautiful," you said you both stared at the city the bright lights and the view was gorgeous but the author sucks and describes stuff 

"yah that," she said 

"well, what will you like to do on this mess of a date," you said a bit embarrassed 

"well i was still fun even if you messed it all up," she teased, she kissed you on the lips "ara aren't you lucky to take your empress's first kiss. 

"i think I am," you go in for round two this time the kiss lasted longer "so i guess this date was a success," you teased 

"Perhaps you are the only emperor I've been interested in," she said "you are the most normal emperor out of the others and the strongest one,"  

she may be your enemy but she did show you the kindness that you thought a siren lacked and saved from the lighting emperor, maybe they aren't all bad damn it feelings are too complicated 

the billboards all switch from advertisements for companies to the news 

"we would like to inform you two sirens are in the area confirming this is a family that Jin Matsu and another siren invaded their house," the reporter said  "a mandatory lockdown of the city is now in place by the navy as admiral Kumi is working to catch him alongside the army," 

"jin if you are hearing this if you turn in your friend we will guarantee you're safety," Kumi said 

you look at the empress you walk towards her "Let go we need to leave now," 

"ara you not going to turn me in," she said testing you 

"shes lying she has no reason to keep me alive," you said "i know she hates me and is tricking me into giving you up if I do that we both die," 

"so i wasn't wrong about you," she said "you are strong in strength and will, more reasons i like you," 

"let's go home now," you teleport out to the base, and the empress kisses you good night 

"so you the new lover of the empress you turn to see the final emperor the water emperor 

"so what is it to you," you said 

"well i love her to and you are an obstacle so," he walks up to you "I'm going to have to ki...." 

you shoved your hand in your chest "you pathetic imbecile you haven't seen battleand you think you can kill m, you'll be more useful in death," you pull out his cube and take his powers "hmmm i think I should collect on the final one," 

the next morning only one emperor remained 

"so what happened to the rest of them," she asked 

"i killed them all they were weak and after all you only need one emperor," you said "they were weak they never stood a chance," 

"oh my so then you are the true siren emperor," she touches your arm, and the bond is removed but then a new one is formed "now that added a new modified bond, we are now lovers and you can't leave me," 

"nononono," you said to yourself 

"also i believed your idea of infiltrating the humans is a good idea so lets begin the operation that will allow us to conquer the world. 

you are placed on a table and you are put to sleep, "he will have his powers suppressed and his cube will be limited so his healing will be as a normal human," your cube is then changed " modify him to have knowledge on naval command, and we will change his face because they know what he looks like," a surgery is commenced to make you look different 

"rise emperor," she said you get up "you have a name for yourself? and your goal will be to climb the naval ranks and destroy the sakura empire," 

"i do," 


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