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You stood on an iceberg overlooking an enemy convoy route, "damn it's cold," you muttered. you use binoculars to look for the convoys  "where is he I need to bail him out," you look around and don't see it. you sit down and wait for the convoy, 

"500 minutes and its still not here," you grumbled, 

you hear the gliding over something on the water "finally," you get up and see a convoy and a transport ship 

1 carrier, 2 battleships, and 3 heavy cruisers, "so you're in the transport ship and i need to target the carrier and the rest i can ignore mostly," you speed up the winds and move towards the convoy 

"the winds are rough," 

"careful this one is dangerous," a man says 

"how so," one of the girls ask 

"he defeated the lighting emperor and also like me is stage 2," he said 

"he's hunting now," he shows his cuffed hands towards her  "you need to trust me he is one his way to save me, but i don't want saving i remember everything," 

"fine dont make me regret it," she unlocks them and he runs to the sea 

he touches the ground and ice freezes the sea and travels far across. 

you are stuck in place your foot is frozen in the ice "what is he doing," you start chipping the ice with your blade 

you hear planes above you "how do they know I'm here," they dive down and fire at you. "i don't believe it," you send the wind to cut the planes down but more take their places, you cut the ice around you and sink into the ocean you break the ice on your foot and swim under the ice. bullets pass by you and the bombs are breaking the ice. "why would he freeze the water was he trying to help, but he froze my leg," 

you resurface and get back to standing on the water 

"so your the new sirens hmmmm," a girls with blonde hair and red streaks said with a smile 

you ignore her and see him in the water and the girls don't seem to mind him "ice emperor what are you doing," 

"I'm not the ice emperor that's a false name like you wind emperor, my true name is Hans i was a german sailor that was taken by the sirens," he said 

"so they did it to you too," you said "you looked at the girls "you monsters," 

"no they didtn do anything its them they took us and created us into weapons," he pleaded 

"kill him we cant have an emperor with such weak will," the empress said "take his element and make it yours," 

the same pain triggered in your head "traitor you abandoned your kind for these weaklings," the winds became more violent and small cuts appeared on the girls "i promise you I'll make your death painful,"  you pushed your hand at the girls "move," the wind pushed all the girls away and then sent the wind to pin them and head towards the traitor 

"you and me," he said he summoned his weapon and prepared for battle the ocean was now ice and the winds were violent. 

the ice froze your legs and it stopped "you don't have to fight me," he pleaded 

"silence," the wind was cutting him you kept then charged up your fujins wrath, "I'll end this now," you ripped your legs out of the ice and ran at him 

"damn it," he ran towards you  and ahead of him ice spikes shoot out of the ocean 

you continued to run at him "like the wind," you moved fast enough to dodge the spike and you spiced off his legs "gahhh," you collapsed on the ice you arm glowed and the markings on your face appeared "you're pathetic," you put your foot on his chest, he tried tp slash you but you grabbed the blade with your hand, "its ok it'll be over soon," he was panicking. you put your hand in his chest and grab his cube "well then goodbye," you ripped out and the life left his eye, you now had the cube and you didn't know what to do with it. the ice was cracking and his body was disintegrating "so do i just," you stuck the cube next to your cube and you felt your arm get cold. "i guess i did it," 

you get shot in the back by a HE shell "I'm going to kill,"the blonde girl with red said with a crazed expression 

"you filthy sirens keep killing and you're the ones responsible for his death," she said and rushed you, 

"shes fast," you said shocked she threw a punch at you and you meet the punch with your own "how does she match me,"  you then felt a rush from this "a worthy opponent," she said 

she then dodged back and shot more rounds at you pushed them aside then, she went back to beat you up with her fists. she then stuck the barrel in next to your chest "bye bye," she said when she fired the blast knocked you back but you saw that the barrel of her gun exploded and it had ice on it. your mask was broken and took it off 

she got a look at your face "is it you," she said weakly 

"yes its me," you said 

"Jin but how," she said 


she looked devastated, "it's me roon," she said, you got more frustrated "I am not this jin all you ship girls keep talking about," you yelled at her. Roon was holding back the urge to cry "you are jin," 

"i accomplished my goal so i'll spare you for now," you teleported out 

"why dont go," she tried to get up but fell down she started breaking down "they took you from me," she clenched her fists "I'll kill them all and free you love," 

the winds calmed down mother ran to roon, "what wrong," she asked hugging her daughter 

"he's alive he isntdead," she said 

"that was him," mother said shocked 

"we need to tell Hannah," mother said 

later on, Hannah was at her desk looking out the window "jin how are you alive and what did they do to you," you got on the phone "i have new reports on the emperors , Jin Matsu is one of them, and from what we believe is the strongest one," you said "he killed the ice emperor and was the one behind the sakura empires base being destroyed 

the world now knows 

"Jin what happened," Samantha said she put the newspaper down and she couldn't help but feel down about this "is it true he's a bad guy," anchorage asked heartbrokenly, "i don't know," 

"how could he no no no,"sofia she couldn't handle this "i don't belive it no he couldn't have been one of them all along," 

"Jin no...," kuromi couldn't handle the news and demanded that the media not spread this "this isn't true he's being used he died," 

"its a true shame that the commander of the sakura empire is now a siren and we cant do anything about it," kumi said to the media "we sadly must brand him a traitor to humanity and if caught will be put to justice and executed for the fact alone he is the enemy," she then finished "humanity has been threatened by the sirens and the fact alone he would betray his own will make him a disgrace to the human race," 

you sat on an iceberg and you keep thinking about this Jin they call you "Hans wasn't his name it was ice emperor," you said "and I'm called JIn but I'm the wind emperor," you keep trying to remember everything. a you felt remember the feeling of something soft, the warmth of a hug, the taste of something disgusting, the pain in your fingers. "these seem like it happened but when," you remember that stuff you got injected with. "i felt anger from that memory, familiar was that me," you questioned. you needed answers and your going to get them. 

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