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your first month of the job is completed the girls are friendly with you some more friendly than others but you don't mind it. the girls have been still doing sorties and commissions which allowed for upgrades on the base and the spare money for the girls to furnish up their dorms.  on this sunny day, you had a picnic with the Yamato class to celebrate your first month's passing. 

under the sakura tree with the girls eating lunch,your back was against the tree,Shinano had her head on your shoulder Yamato eating in silence, and Musashi talking with you 

before the picnic

finishing up your paperwork the phone was ringing  picking it up 

"well Jin see your still alive Mr. Drama pants," kuromi joked 

"yah your right," you said no giving her the satisfaction 

"Also I got reports you tried jumping off a cliff," kuromi said you could feel a sinister feeling on the other side of the phone

"How did you learn this," you asked

"you don't get to ask questions Jin, answer mines now," kuromi said 

"uuuuuuhhhhh bye,' you hung up the phone and placed it on your desk, and left it there 

leaving the office Musashi picked you up 

"fufufufu right on time for the picnic come on," Musashi teased as she carried you to the spot 

she brought you to a different sakura tree that was on a hill Shinano and Yamato were there already eating 

"Musashi where was he," Yamato asked 

"he was in his office," Musashi said 

"well hurry up foods getting cold," Yamato said 

you sit down next to Shinano across from Yamato and Musashi. taking a bite of your lunch it was good as if made with love 

"so who made lunch today," you asked 

"i did," Musashi said 

"you call sleeping cooking," Yamato said 

"Yamato,"Musashi whined 

"so who made lunch," you asked 

"i did," Yamato said 

"Thanks for lunch Yamato," you said 

"its nothing," Yamato said with a red hue 

eating lunch Yamato ate in silence while Shinano dozed off, and Musashi was talking with you 

"so jin tell us about yourself," Musashi asked 

"well i was in the navy for a while but retired, i before being your commander i was just sitting around my house  staring at the ocean, then i ended up here," you said 

"tell us about your time in the navy," Musashi asked 

"I..I don't want to talk about it," you said 

"why not come on," Musashi egged you on 

"Leave him alone Musashi," Yamato scolded 

you continued to eat in silence after finishing you sat in silence 

"you suck at talking to people Jin," Musashi said Yamato was about to say something, but you laughed 

"My brother used to say that," you said 

'you have a brother," Musashi asked excited to hear more 

"had a brother, he was the chatterbox but he's gone now," you said 

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