Whats Real

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2 weeks after the attack on the base 

You are strapped it was to a chair it was dark, you hear the interrogator enter the room and sit down across from you. "remove the bag,"  the darkness was gone and now hit with lights directed to your eyes. 

"I'll be damned they weren't lying," she said "now what are you called," 

"the kaze emperor," you said she frowned at your answer 

"so you no longer call yourself by your old name," she said 

"i only had one name my entire life," you said "so want to tell me what it is," she slams your head into the table 

"stop playing this game and tell what your actual name is," she said agitatedly 

"i have no clue woman and i suggest you stop before i get angry," you threaten the guard aims his rifle at you,

"fine," she lets go of your head "I'll help you refresh your memory so you stop playing this game," she pulls out a file "today is the six-year anniversary of that day," you were confused of why she is bringing this up "six years ago the fifth fleet commanded by Jin Matsu went on a patrol to investigate some disturbance in the ocean," "Jin," "they encountered the first siren and no one survived except for Jin and one of the death of his crew was his brother Jason Matsu," 

"Jin where is Jason where is he," "you liar," "it should've been you," "you promised me," "its your fault," "it's not my fault," "you weren't there," "i tried," your mind was nixed with memories "my emperor you were captured once by the humans who altered your memories, we removed most of them but some may flash up remember they're fake," "make it stop," you screamed you started slamming your head on the table to try make it stop "guards take back to his cell today was a failure," the guards picked you up and dragged you to your cell. 

"Kumi hows it going," Yamato asked 

"nothing again except for him slamming his head on the table," kumi said 

Yamato ran to your cell, "open it," she entered inside and saw a wounded you, you still had the stab wound from two weeks ago and many more wounds from the interrogations. you just laid on the floor "fox, brother, ring, fox, brother, ring, fox, brother, ring," you mumbled in a loop you didn't notice someone entered your cell. you felt something soft and look and saw tails lay on top of you, "fox," you said "jin do you remember me," she asked in a calm voice 

"i don't know who you are," you said 

"im yamato we used to be  lovers ," she said 

"the only one i love is the empress," you mumble 

"you mean kuromi," she asked 

"who's that," yamato stopped speaking she covered your face facw with her tails she didn't want you to see her crying 

"ok lets try this again who are you," kumi asked 

"i am the Wind emperor," you replied 

"tell us everything about the sirens that will aid us," kumi asked 

"an emperor doesn't betray his own kind," "i wont answer your question," 

"fine we'll  just extract what you know then get rid of you," Kumi takes out a syringe and stabs it into your arm and a cord into your head connect to a TV 

"lets go through memory lane shall we," kumi said, you sat their motionless you couldn't move your body was stiff. 

TV started to play memories it should your training to mastering the control of the wind, "good you've mastered the wind now show me what you can do," you raise your sword and your arm glows and with a slash, you split the seas. "perfect you....," the empress sees your bleeding arm "hmmm so this is your drawback for being a hybrid," she grabs your arm and leads you to get fixed. moving on you are sparing with another human who wields a hammer but it skips over that fight "whats wrong you cant kill this stupid animal," it shows a white fox in a cage "kill it," you grab the fox by the neck but you couldn't kill it "ya.," the empress puts the fox back in the cage and shoves you in a chair "so you refuse to embrace your true nature," she activates a panel and then she takes out a gun, "these humans are pretty good at making weapons lets test it out," she aims it and shoots you in the shoulder. then drives her finger into the wound "i disable your cubes abilities so you'll feel all of this pain," "remember who you bow down too," and then the tv doesn't project anymore feed "damn it we need more info i need to inject more," kumi is about to inject more till yamato stops her "you know what happens if we inject too much there is a cahnce the person goes into a frenzy," Yamato warned 

"we have to try the high command is getting impatient and order today we dispose of him," Kumi pushes yamato and injects more 

your eyes dilate the TV shows the arena "FIGHT," one siren screams 

you break out of your bonds you rip the cord out of your head and smack Kumi into the wall and grab yamato by the throat. the guards rush in and start shooting at you "arggghhhh," since your cube is damaged your healing factor is disabled you drop yamato. you took too much damage and you collapse on the ground "empress save me," 

"i will my darling, teleport him out," the empress ordered 

kumi walked over to you and aimed her gun at your head "bye Jin," a bright light flashed and Jin was gone 

you land on a bed the empresses bed "so you couldn't kill the damn fox its ok I'll make sure you succeed next time," "phase 2 will begin emperor I'll either break you and if that happens I'll replace you or you prove yourself as my emperor now lets get you fixed up,"

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