New Threat

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4 months  later

??????? Pov 

"it's ready," ????

"Well let's test it to see what it can do," ???? they teleport to the sakura empires base 

Aki's POV 

most of the girls seem to be a bit happier around you but don't seem to want to get close to you. they see you as a friend and nothing else.  the sky turned red and something fell from the sky.  it was a siren but no rigging? it wore an oni mask and wore a kimono and its skin isn't pale like a siren but tanned and was able to walk on the water and it welds a shikomizue 

  it was a siren but no rigging? it wore an oni mask and wore a kimono and its skin isn't pale like a siren but tanned and was able to walk on the water and it welds a shikomizue 

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it walked towards the base then stopped unsheathing its sword his arm started glowing blue and so did the blade of the sword.

"owari da," it said in a masculine voice with a single slash a huge wave of energy went straight towards the base splitting it in two pieces. the sword stopped glowing, but its arm was bleeding. 

"all shipgirls prepare for combat," you yell into the PA and all the girls deploy their riggings and prepared to fight this new threat 

"you are surrounded and you will be put down if you don't surrender," you yelled at the thing 

its didn't stay anything, its then got into a defensive stance, you realize you will need to fight 

"fire at will," you yell a rain of fire heads towards the siren. it stands still and twirls his blade, then the winds pick up drastically and all the shells are shot them in random directions, they explode all over the place you all take cover. "we can't hurt it with modern weaponry those who can fight in hand to hand engage go," you order "those who cant wait for an opening to attack with range,"

zuikaku and takao charge at the siren, takao slashes at it blocks with his sword. zuikaku also slashes her blade but is blocked by its scabbard. it then hits zuikaku with the scabbard knocking her back "muda da," it whispered. then kicked takao away, it went on the attack, it targetted zuikaku who was still dazed but Shinano intervenes, she takes out a katana and attacks it with both her sword and planes. Shinano used her inner rage and skilled swordsmanship and combined with her planes was overpowering the siren it was blocking and parrying her attacks but it was slowing down and finally one of the planes strafed it. Shinano is covered in blood this shocks her "its a human?" she said surprised

it was fell on its knees it breathing became heavy and it was bleeding profusely, "kill kill," in a mumbled voice, its wounds healed and bullets were pushed out from its body 

"fujin force," it said it twirled its sword in a circular pattern then slashed the air eight times, 

the wind became sharp as a razor blade and cut all the girls leaving them all heavily injured, Shinano took the worst as she was the closest. "kill kill," it repeated and walked towards Shinano who was helpless, she looked down and accepted her end "we'll meet again sooner than i thought," Shinano whispered and she gave a small smile. she felt rain touch her head, but it was dropping at intervals. confused she looked up and saw the siren shaking the blade so close to her yet it didn't move. tears were falling from under the mask, its arm glowed black and came the hissing sound of burning flesh, it yelled in agony and clenched its arm. 


"An emperor doesn't show mercy to opponents," your empress said, the pain went up ten folds "arrggghhhhhhhh," you roared in pain and it was fulling your blood rage, "hope you learned your lesson," the pain stopped and you're about to drive your blade into the kitsune till you are blasted but ap shells "Nani," you are confused you should've gotten them all

two more kitsune who were injured fired at you, you felt your heels get slashed you fell on your knees.  a blade is driven into your heart its hit your cube but only damaged it, you lose consciousness 


"we did we defeated it," you all see the base is destroyed and all the girls are injured. "those you are less injured aid the ones more injured quickly take them to the medical post," you ordered the medical post was severely damaged you "kumi i request a medical boat and materials for reconstructing the base is destroyed and we have injured please hurry," 

"ok ok I'll send them and i come too see how bad," kumi hung up 

the Yamato carried the siren to a cell and watched it, 

????? pov 

you wake up your wounds arent healing but you wont die and you see a kitsune looking at you. 

"where am i ... you get kicked in the face and slam your head into the wall, this seems familiar,?

"silence you monster," she said and proceed to stomp your head 

your mask was dented and blood was coming out of the mouth 

"what are you aren't like the usual siren," she said 

"I'm the emperor," you said 

"so they're are male sirens?' she said confused "how did you defeat so many of us with out a rigging," 

"the cube didn't give me a rigging it gave me the power of a natural element," you said 

"how many are there," she said 

"i won't tell you that," you said she Yamato took a knife and stab your cube you didn't want to die 

"4 emperors," you yell in fear "your arm burned," "an emperor doesn't show fear," your empress said 

"what element do they control," she said digging the knife deeper 

"i am the wind emperor, there is ice, water, and lighting," you said 

"i also have one more question is purifier dead," she asked 

"hehehe yup she gone she served her purpose and the empress had no use for her," 

"whats under that mask," Yamato said she grab the mask and saw her past 


A/N i hope you find this idea cool I wanted to try something different than giving the emperor class a rigging, but instead they control an element tell me what you think about it 

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