The 7th ring of hell

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its says  look its me and sensei 

after the bit group hug, you felt pain all over your body it was enough to cause you to pass out 

"samurai wake the fuck up," a voice said 

waking up you see that you're  sitting in a chair and across from you is another Jin.  "so i guess this is the body that I'm inhabiting. "so emperor want to guess who i am," it joked 

"my wisdom cube," you said 

"correct i am your wisdom cube and the reason your lady friend is alive," it said smugly 

"jeez you act like me," you scoffed 

"well maybe its because the cube manifested me to be like you," being a smartass  

"ok why am i here," you asked 

"well your body is meant to be a ship-boy so it's kinda falling apart," he said nonchalantly "however i stopped the cube from killing you no need to thank me," 

"so hows my body doing right now,' you need to know

"ummmmmmm you're in a coma and your body is , Mmmmm," he said hesitantly

"its kinda fucked up," he said straight face "however not much time has past since your in a coma," 

"so how long is it then," you said getting annoyed with yourself 

"in here only 20 minutes, but in the real world 6 months," he said reassuring you 

"ok then so how much more time till i wake up,"  you asked yourself

"another 20 minutes here," he said "your body will be healed but I'll warn you the rigging will kill you if you overuse it, so use it only when necessary,' 

"ok, then me," you just sat there you watched as the girls came and went visiting you and talking about your day.  then Yamato sisters came into the room holding three small foxes. you fell to your knees as you saw them reaching out for you. "so those are the girls I saw you do it with," he said 

"shut the fuck up please," you said silencing him you looked at your daughters who must've only been a couple of months old. 

"that's tough man I'm only six months old but damn this is sad to see,"  he said "ten more minutes and you'll wake up," 

taihou walked into the room talking about wedding plans and how the little foxes are crawling all around the house.  

however, the next thing is Kumi and Aki walking into the room the guards hold taihou, and other guards transport you to the ship 

"so Jin you're you've been hiding here," Kumi said the other girls block Kumi from leaving  

"jin you have 30 seconds till you wake you could use your rigging but you'll die or just surrender and tell them to stand down," 

you wake and with a weak voice you decided your fate "stand down girls," 

"what," all the girls said in shock 

"stand down its not worth it," you said 

"Listen to him," Kumi said 

the girls all backed away from the door and they started escorting you to the ship. three little foxes looked at their dad leaving, watching in their mother's arms "daddy," they cried 

"shhh don't cry daddy is going somewhere," they said to their children 

the boat took you to the north of the empire which was known for the prison that no one escapes from, all criminals are sent there. however, this prison had seven levels and that went deeper into the ground each level you descended its final level which is the 7th level is under the sea.  Kumi sentenced you to the seventh level you are number #7458B 

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