Creating The Perfect Weapon

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Day 1 

after getting defeated by the sakura empire and not being able to kill any of the ShipGirls the empress has taken the liberty to ensure you become an efficient killing machine. 

you are put in an arena with mock dummies of ship girls  

"These dummies will act as the ships girls and shoot live ammunition so go all out," the empress said 

you take out your shikomizue and get ready 

"go," the dummies take a common formation that a fleet would take and proceed to fire. you control the winds and repel the shells coming at you and rush the vanguard, but you stop to deflect incoming bullets from the planes. you do quick slashes towards the planes and knock out most of the planes. you slash the at the first ship knocking it out, you eat a HE shell from close range, this stuns you but you recover fast enough to knock out the vanguard and the main fleet was quicky destroyed two 

"not bad only took ten minutes," the empress said "we need to cut that down to five minutes," 

"you'll try again after lunch," the empress takes you to a room with a small kitchen "i learned how to make one of the sakura empires dishes called ramen hope you like," 

that word made you see a fox with a bowl on her head and a girl with raven black hair , you grab your head "get out of my head," the empress saw this and sat next to you "having those fake memories," 

"its ok I'm fine," you said "I'm curious to try this dish," this made the empress excited and she went to the kitchen to cook "this feels like this happened before," you question "theyre fake they're fake," 

she comes out with a bowl of ramen and puts it in front of you you grab a fork, but she gives you chopsticks and you struggled to use them you snapped them in half in frustration. "fufufufufu, come on you can do it," she hands you another one try use two hands to grab the noodles but she slaps your hand, "nope you can only use one hand," you grab one noodle but it falls back into the bowl you punch a hole into the table "ok you can use the fork at least you tried honey,"she gives you a fork but you refuse to use it "no I'm going to eat this with this chopstick," she sighs at your stubbornness "knock yourself out," 

day 5 

"we need to fix your arm you use to draw power from." the empress leads you to a chair and places your right arm on the table "this might hurt," 

"how bad..... a laser slices off your arm from the elbow to below "gaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh," a new arm is attached it has the same tattoos and it looks the same as your old arm 

"this arm i requested be designed so your arm doesn't destroy itself if you overuse your abilities," she kissed you on the cheek "only for you," the arm felt stronger already you touched it felt like skin too real 

"come on now lets go try it out," she lead outside to an isolated spot "call upon the winds and use it to strike down your foes," 

you raise your sword to the skies and the wind goes towards the sword and your arm glows blue you bring it down and split the seas then you are able to flow into a barrage of slashes the cut  the surface of the seas "fujin's wraith," your arm was bleeding still but you could perform new moves. "impressive this arm is better than my old one," 

day 14 

you were practicing your new move so your body can be better adjusted to it. "i don't understand you," you turn to see one of the other emperors the lighting emperor "the empress sets her eyes on the weakest one here," he walks closer to you "i dont know why either," you replied honestly 

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