Getting Closer

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Yamato and you were in the office doing paperwork, well more like you did the work and Yamato made sure you didn't fall asleep. 

"almost done Jin keeping going," Yamato said as she watched you write and approve documents 

"i would be helpful if you actually helped me," you mumbled you stopped to massage your hand but received a slap on the back of your head 

"keep going after this we can get lunch," Yamato said you got back to work  

"why couldn't Shinano be my secretary instead of you," you complained Yamato pouted 

"what difference would it make," yamato said 

"well knowing her she probably help me instead of watching and judging me," you said 

"no she wouldn't she be asleep on the coach and you wouldn't get any work done" yamato said 

"its better than having you staring a hole in the back of my head," you said 

yamato getting frustrated whipped her tails at you, she fell for your trap you grabbed them and buried yourself in them 

"hey let go you," yamato tried prying you off her tails but you wouldn't let go

"not until you let me go to lunch," you said drowning in fluff 

"fine if it'll make you let go then ok we can get lunch,"yamato finally gave and you let go of her tails and you went to go get lunch. 

today's lunch was miso ramen, you took two bowls and started eating. you finished your first bowl in two minutes(i could do that) and moved to your second bowl 

"slow down you," yamato scolded she grabbed your bowl to make you slow down 

"no were suppose to have lunch two hours ago but you held me back," you argued reaching so your bowl. yamato raised up hight and you jump for it tips over and fell on yamato's head. 

"RUN" she said 

you run for dear life as a angry kitsune chases you 

"don't let me catch you," yamato screamed 

you out ran yamato and hid on the beach, you hid behind an rock and waited. time has passed someone put their hands over your eyes dread started kicking in 

"guess who?"???

"is it yamato?" you said 

"nope it's musashi," she teased 

"oh is she still mad," you asked 

"fufuufufu i don't know what did you do," she asked she sat next to you her tails started swaying 

"i might've still ramen on top of her," you said musashi started laughing at this this lasted for five minutes, after calming down you just sat there 

"so Jin how is it with Yamato as your secretary," Musashi asked you frowned 

"awful it work with no breaks and i feel even more tired," you said musashi frowned at what you said 

"she doesn't know how to relax," Musashi said "i all their fault they mad her sour," 

you knew who she was referring to you kept silent 

"Jin promise me something," Musashi begged, tears streaked down her eyes

"i don't know what I'm promising you," you said 

"Promise me you wont change," Musashi said "you make Yamato happy  and i want her stay like this," 

"Musashi," you grab her hand "I promise i won't change," you smiled at her this made her happy a bit too much. she hugged a bit to hard and started screaming 

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