Serious Fox

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you cuddle next to Shinano however she was too exhausted to wrap you in her tail. a blanket covers both of you, and you keep each other warm. you managed to put on some pants and helped Shinano cover herself. you brought her close to you her breath hits your chest and she quietly snores fill the silence. you close your eyes and go back to sleep. the girls get back and enter the room, they see no one. Yamato enters Shinano's room and sees you cuddled together. 

"hmm those sleepyheads," she walks to you and kisses you on the head, her nose twitches from smelling something "oh they did it," Yamato left and went to talk to Musashi. 

"alright good night taihou," taihou left to her dorm, and Musashi turns around and sees Yamato 

"so umm what's wrong," Musashi asked 

"they did it," Yamato said in a panicked voice 

"ara they did," Musashi jumped up and down "good job Shinano,"

"so who going to be second," yamato asked this caused an awkward silence till musahsi spoke up "i guess you," 

"really?" Yamato asked 

"you can love isn't a race," musashi said 

"ok then," Yamato said 

you finally wake up Shinano is still hugging you and you wrap you an arm around her. you kiss her on the head a small groan escapes her lips. "cute," you then get up from bed and cover shinano in the blanket, you head to the showers and clean off. so after taking shower you enter the main room and see Yamato and Musashi sitting down at the table. Musashi had a sly smile and yamato had a blush. "you guys seem off except for you Musashi," you noted 

"jin did you do it?' Yamato asked "I'm not mad if you did,"

"ok, yes we did it," you said "i decided i wanted kids," 

"you mean you impregnated Shinano," Musashi yelled 

"i dont know," you said "but I'm confident in the fact i want kids," 

"well Jin what made you want kids," Musashi asked and her started tails  wagging 

"because i don't really think I can clear my name in this empire," you said "but if i can have a family with the people i love, then that's enough for me," 

"Aww i would love to have little foxes with you," Musashi squealed and hugged your arm 

"same, I wanted kids you," Yamato said "also I'm next~," 

"can i rest," you ask 

"of course, you can, but don't make me wait," Yamato said "i'll wait for you," she got up and went to her room.

"I'm going to be tired again," you said Musashi then went into Shinano's room. she came out carrying Shinano "well I'll give you two privacy, we'll sleep at taihou's have fun~," she teased she walked up to your ear "also heads up I'm third so save some for me~," 

you entered Yamato's room "Yamato your acting different," you asked 'you're all flirty, what happened to the grumpy fox," 

"i was not grumpy," yamato said she then pulled up down and you landed on her chest "i was only grumpy because of them..... but with you, you dont make me angry," yamato whispered "because love you make me happy and...musashi was teaching me how to flirt,"

"of course, Musashi taught you, listen just be you and the fox i love," you hugged her "you are  my big fluffy wife," 

"you are my huggable husband," Yamato said 

with that, the lovers stare at each other before closing the distance and they kiss with passion and lust for each other. 

Lemon Alert 

Yamato was more dominant after all she is a flagship she, tried to use her tongue but you don't submit. you separate from each other for air "so we are going to play a bit rough," you said 

Yamato used her tails to restrain your arms "fufufu you're mine," Yamato kissed you and she managed to get her tongue inside your mouth, she began to explore her new territory. your tongue fought hers and you grabbed her tails and began stroking them. Yamato broke off the kiss "hey stop.. they're sensitive," you use this to kiss her and you then explore her mouth after a while you separated with both of you out of breath. "honey I'm still a bit tired," you admitted, "well then let me take care of you," Yamato then removed her kimono exposing her beautiful body to you.  from her smooth white skin to her breasts and bountiful thighs. Yamato removed your pants and boxers you removed your shirt. Yamato looked it with lust and she put it in her mouth and bobbed her head up and down. "god this feels good," you said, you cupped he breasts and began to massage them to pleasure her. the stimulus caused her to moan which made the your member feel amazing. this went on till she stopped "sorry love but we need as many chances," she then began to line herself up "ok Yamato take it slow," you told her and she slowly began to lower her body. your member entered it was tight and you felt her walls separate and Yamato seemed fine. "you ok love," you asked "I'm good honey don't worry," she lowered herself and then it stopped, you reach her hymen and you this required you to help out. "alright love this might hurt," you pushed up and you broke hr hymen and blood leaked on the bed. "love you can continue it doesn't hurt," you slowly moved your hips to be safe and let her adjust and you began to kiss her again this time it got sloppy "jin i.. love you," she yelled in bliss "i love you too Yamato," she pulls you down on the bed so she was lying down. she began to moan louder so you kiss her again to silence her and she grips the sheets. you feel something on your member and saw she came already but this didn't bother you. "slow down please its sensitive now," Yamato said you slowed down the pace and you felt it was near the end.  "Yamato I'm close," you warned her "Jin inside ok," she wraps her tails around you and she begins to help out by moving in rhythm with you this was amazing and you began to feel her body and Yamato looking at you the entire time. "jin...jin," she slurred "Yamato I'm coming," you finish into her and she arches her back in pure bliss. you stop moving and slowly remove your member from her. her body twitches a bit "jin you can continue if you want," she was panting. you then lay down next to her "no," you panted "if you can't move then we can stop here i don't want to hurt you," Yamato hugs you into her bare chest. "i love you Jin, thankyou for making me the happiest woman alive," you hug her waist and you both fall asleep," 

A/N alright so I'll do Musashi's lemon then it'll be a while till i do another one 

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