Creating An Emperor

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Level -2, The Pit 

you waking up in a cell 

"I'm alive how i should be at the bottom of the sea," you said, standing up you lean on the wall you seem fine. inspecting your body for wounds you received, you see a word on your arm Wind 

there are others on this level and you ask the person in the next cell "hey do you have word on your arm," 

"yah Wind," the person said 

the doors open and a voice talks to you all "everyone prepare for your trials please leave your cell and go to the center of this level,"  everyone follows the voice, and all clump up in the center and all the cell doors close.  

"now you will all be teleported to the testing area," the voice said 

in a flash you all are teleported to an arena where other sirens were watching this like it was a sport. 

"ladies today we will decide who will be the wind emperor," the voice boomed to crowd, "you lucky 50 contenders will fight to the death and weapons you are accustomed too will be provided," 

"no, i refuse to do this is....," the person was disintegrated 

you watched in horror as the man was turned into ash "anyone else who doesn't want to fight will be put down by me," the siren said "well i should say the prize the winner will get to live and go see their families again," 

"i want to see my kids again," one screamed and many more screamed as they all just wanted to go home 

"well then FIGHT," she screamed 

this will be the most violent moment of your life. the others screamed and started beating each other up. the weaker ones were being slaughtered. they were beaten into the ground and so were swiftly killed. you stood still and didn't move you, you were in shock "move, Move," you are punched by one of the stronger opponents "huh looks like you'll be an easy one," 

"i refuse to die," you rebound from the punch and tackle the man to the ground and start beating him. he puts his hand on your face and thumb starts digging into your eye "it hurts it hurts it hurts," you gritted your teeth and started punching him harder and harder till he was knocked out, you got up and stomped his head ending him. your left eye was gone, you were breathing wildly and grinning. "arrrggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhh," you roared and the crowd looked at you, one siren was eyeing you "he's the one," you ran at another man who was frozen in fear and started beating him your face covered in blood and fist dripping with blood. four of the men stopped fighting each other and surrounded you "we can take him he's the biggest threat here," one man rushed you he was knocked on the ground with a solid punch. two of grabbed your arms and the third started punching you in the face, you kicked him away and bit into one of the guy's arms piercing the flesh "aaaaaaaaaaggggghhhhhh," he let go of your arm and using the arm you grab another man and started choking him. he trashed violently he was turning blue and the other men were too scared to do anything. throwing him to the ground, the others got the will to fight again. "weapon time," she said and swords from Japanese origins were teleported on the ground. they picked up katanas and entered a stance you saw a stick on the ground it was 10 ft away from you. "looks like you're done fro freak," one said with a cocky grin" "no," you ran for the stick and picked it up the men cornered you. you picked up the stick your back was facing them "hahahahaha a stick," one said but was silenced as his throat was slit with one cut "gggghhhggggg," he fell on the ground choking on his own blood. your weapon wasn't a stick it was a shikomizue "owari da," only two of them left. you slashed one on the chest but the cut wasn't deep, the other sliced your chest it was deep cut you winced in pain, "kill them kill," you bashed the man with the scabbard to give yourself space. you rushed the injured one and stabbed him in the heart and tried to pull the sword out it stuck. the other man walked to you "is it stuck," he mocked, right behind you he raises his sword above you "fuck it," you turn around and hit him with scabaard, he was wobbly. you hit him again he was on the ground he was still breathing. you hit him over over over over over over over over over over over over over "arrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhh," till it gets stuck in his head. you look around only one man remains. he saw you slaughter those men and he was terrified. "you...monste," he barely got out those words "we didn't want to kill each other, but we had too," "you fre... you threw a blade in between his eyes. you only saw red now it felt good killing all those people. the arena was littered with bodies and the floor covered with blood and you stood over all of them. you fell but was caught "you will be my true emperor," 

the lady carried you to a table, a machine opened you up and removed your heart and a black cube was put in. your body started twitching on your arm was now had a tattoo of barb wire that wrapped around your arm and on the other one Japanese style tattoo of wind. your left eye was now yellow and your wounds healed. 

"he's done the bond of obedience has been added to him and he can now control the wind, and his memories have been wiped and altered," the tester said 

"can you add the memories of me as his empress and he is oathed to me," the other one said

"yes my lady," the tester said 

"the lady walk to you and whispered in your ear "there are other emperors who want my hand, but you have it prove to me you are worthy of it," she said in a sweet voice "rise my emperor 

"yes my empress," 

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