Normal Life(short chapter)

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you wake up to the smell of breakfast Shinano is clinging to your arm as she is still asleep, you free your arm and kiss on the head. Walking to the kitchen Musashi is cooking breakfast and humming to herself.  you wrap your hands around her waist  and kiss her on the cheek 

"fufufufu morning love," Musashi smiled 

"morning what's for breakfast," you asked wanting to look but Musashi blocks your view with her tails 

"no peeking you know the rules get the girls and breakfast will be ready," she said she pushed you in the direction of another bedroom you enter inside and see three little kitsunes sleeping you scoop them up and carry them to the table. you sit down on a cushion by the table still holding on to your children. 

"where is Yamato," you asked 

"she left early for work," Musashi said "you know how she is," 

"it's still hard to believe I'm now a stay at home dad," you chuckled to yourself 

"well, Yamato doesn't blame you," Musashi said rubbing your back "besides the kids love staying with you," 

"can you hold them I'll wake up Shinano so we can have breakfast together," you said, you hand them to Musashi, you walk back to your room and see Shinano hugging a pillow, 

"wake up my sleepy fox," you whispered in her ear, they twitch then her eyes flutter up 

she yawns and then stretches  

"morning love," she said sheepishly 

"morning," you said "come on breakfast is ready and i think they're finally up," 

you and Shinano walk back to the table and see your children are now wide awake 

you each take one and feed them breakfast, 

"come on eat up," Shinano holds a spoon full of food to a small sleepy kitsune who is barely awake 

"Musashi slow down let her chew," you scolded as you see Musashi feed her child too fast 

"choo choo," you make train sounds as you feed a kitsune with red eyes and white hair she eats up 

the morning is the usual feeding the children then the afternoon is just free time with them, Shinano is still sleepy, around the afternoon Shinano will take a long nap till dinner.  she rolls up in a fluff ball with Shinano-chan and sleeps. 

you rub Shinano head and Shinano-chans head and their ears start to twitch afterwards you pick up yam and head to the porch with Musashi and mu-chan

you both sit down, Musashi leans her head on your shoulder. 

"Jin what a life I'm blessed to have," Musashi said you smile 

"i wonder that too," you said "I just want to spend all my time with you girls," 

"i hope we have many more years to come," musashi said 

"i hope i want to see them grow up and maybe grandfather," you said 

"well have to for that they're only six months old," Musashi joked 

yam started moving around and kicks you 

"hey hey calm down," you coed she went back to sleep 

"Yamato will be coming home soon," Musashi said "Let go make dinner 

"yep you know her appetite," you remarked 

you put thechildren next to Shinano who instinctively grabs them and wraps them in fluff 

2hrs later 

Yamato opens the door and sees food and you all sitting on the table. Yamato after the end of the sirens has now taken a job in an office. she now wears business attire specially made due to her tails. 

"welcome home," you greeted her 

"you all waited for me again," yamato said "you don't have to wait for me," 

"and not eat as a family," shinano said

the night was spent as a family 


"what he got him smiling him smiling in his sleep," yamato asked 

"maybe he is having a dream about our tails," musashi teased 

"i know," Shinano said she goes next to jin and wipes a single tear from his cheek "wake up love," 

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