What the author was thinking

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1. Jin stayed truly dead  when he first died and have it be about coping with the lost of him 

2. Jin turns his back on the empire and joins the empress and they date 

3. Jin will remove his arm to remove the bond with the empress and have him have a mechanical arm 

4. Mama FDG was going to join the harem, but maybe she'll get get her own book and anchorage too, but I'll do another book in the TENC universe maybe a different Jin will marry them 

5. Making the yandere more hardcore yandere s but that does them a disservice

6. I never planned for Jin to be a siren I wrote that on the fly and rolled with it 

7. I wanted Musashi to be more flirty, but I suck ass at it. But she serves her purpose 

8. I added Azuma  because she needs some love 

9. I wanted to add roon because I love her she is so misunderstood 

10. aki transfer to command i wanted Jin to return to civilian life to show how much he misses them 

11. Jin PTSD made him afraid to face kumi because he blames himself, but i thought it would be interesting to see Jin move on and kumi stuck in the past 


Jin dies 

Jin returns to being a civilian 


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