Final Destination (short chapter)

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The nations are preparing for war against the sirens again. "it seems that Iris libre will join us in the operation," Kumi said, in the north, all the world leaders gathered. "operation emperor slayer's preparations are almost done," kumi said 

"Comrade is there a way to save him?," Alexandra asked 

"no we cannot take the chance," Kumi said "now on to the plan we need to discuss who we will kill off the empress," 

"the iron blood and us will kill that bitch," Alexandra said "you ok with that Hannah?" 

"trust me are ok with that, besides a certain girl is on a mission to kill her," everyone turns to see roon, with a scary smile. mama takes out of the room to calm down "come my child lets go play with the meow officers," mama said taking roon to the cat room. 

"ok whats the plan," Hannah asked 

"the maid corp will recon the area for siren activity from there they will destroy any stray fleets," sophia said drinking a small cup of tea. "now for you," pointing at samantha "what do have in mind," 

"the eagle union will lead the diversion to draw the main fleet so the empire may end this nightmare," 

"that you however," kumi sighs "with yamato's injures she wont be able to fight and many of the girls refuse to the emperor," 

"we will do it," Richelieu chimed in "we'll make his death painless," saintlouis offered in. 

"then its settled the Iris libre will be in charge of the emperor's death and every other nation will deal with the sirens," kumi said all the leaders dismissed themselves. 

late at night all the world leaders except the sakura and Iris libre  gahter in a room to discuss other plans. "so is there truly no way to save him," Hannah asked 

"from what we saw he seems to far gone," Alexandra said "i think it'll be best to let Richelieu and her girls handle it," 

Hannah got up and left "this so unfair," she whispered 

"so....our only solution is to just....kill him," sophia started tearing up she too got up and left. 

"Alexandra how did Jin become human again," samantha  asked the parliament leader "he never had a rigging before he only had control of the elements?" 

"we swapped his cube out," Alexandra said "he wanted to break free so we replaced his cube," 

"so you caused all of this to happen," Samantha got up 

"comrade we couldn't see this outcome," Alexandra said "and for what we did we only wanted Jin to be free," 

Samantha calmed down she left the room "anchorage walked up to her," 

"jin did i do the right thing?" 

Beep beep beep the heart monitor was connected to Yamato who laid in bed, 

"How is she doc," Shinano asked she was holding yam and shino wrapping them in her tails since they both were asleep 

"she's alive at the moment, but lost a lot of blood," the doctor said "and where she was injured caused some of her organs to be critically damaged so she'll need to get transplants," 

in the north, the empress smiled "theyre coming to end this," she walks to a throne that has machinery hooked up to the man sitting on the throne. his eyes have no color. he stares at the ground, the empress picks up his head and kisses him "they won't take you away from me," 

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