Honeymoon part 2

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today was day 2 of you honeymoon now the five of you need to find an activity to do. right now it was lunch time and Yamato had arranged for a romantic lunch. 

"So is it ready," Musashi asked 

"almost done the others almost finished making lunch," yamato said 

"who did you put in charge of making lunch," Musashi asked 

"amagi and her sisters and tosa," Yamato said 

"How did you convenience them to make lunch for all of us," Musashi asked "you didn't use Jin as a bargaining chip," 

"no I'm not like you, amagi likes Jin so she agreed to do it for free," Yamato said 

"amagi likes Jin," Musashi said shocked 

"not in a loving way just she is just grateful for what jin did," Yamato bonked Musashi, "wait where is Jin," she turns around and sees you on a bench and taihou and Shinano putting heads on your shoulder. you petted Shinano's head "sleepy fox,"  and then rubbed taihou's head 

"lets join them we have time before lunch is finished," Yamato walked to the bench and sat on Jin's lap 

"hey that's my spot," Musashi pouted but then she a sly smile crept on her face.  she went behind jin and pressed his head against her bosom and a blush appeared on his face. "fufufufu got you," 

taihou got agitated but she calmed herself down "remember you to share," she gritted her teeth 

you petted her head to ease her worry "there there it's just Musashi being herself," that didn't help taihou. 

Yamato seeing that Musashi was trying to get a reaction out of taihou decided to intervene "alright it's lunchtime lets go," they all got off the bench entered a small tea house. the inside was a long table. you all sat down and then amagi entered inside along with her sisters. 

"so Jin you ready for lunch with your wives," amagi asked 

"i sure am," you don't see Akagi which makes you worry till she enters inside carrying platters of food. 

"here you go love~," she places a plate of food for you and then goes to serve the others "enjoy you vixens," she said 

"Akagi that's not how you speak to other people's wives," Akagi then gets a bonk. once everyone began eating amagi and her sisters joined you for lunch 

"so jin when will i become an aunty,?" amagi asked. you choked on your food, you took a minute to compose yourself "I don't know yet," 

"well there is no rush after all your still young," amagi said 

"yeah i think I plenty now with the cube inside me," you said 

"so love when is it my turn," akagi asked her tails wagging 

"i don't know i hardly know you," you said honestly this made Akagi freeze she never saw this coming "

"oh ok.....," she ran out of the tea house 

"oh way to go me," the inner voice said 

"wow way to go," Kaga said 

"what was i supposed to say," you argued 

"Jins right love is something you can't rush," tosa added 

"she'll be ok she just needs some time," amagi said 

the rest of lunch went well its just you felt bad for hurting Akagi's feelings, but you had the day ahead so you need to move on. 

"so love our next activity is going to the beach," Shinano said 

"but i don't have swim clothes," you said 

"well, you can control the waters right?" Musashi asked 

"Not anymore I don't have your  abilities anymore," you said they were shocked that you lost all your powers 

"so how come you can't anymore," Yamato asked 

"I removed the siren cube now have a normal cube," you said

"so i guess we cant go to the beach," taihou said "how about we go to Ummm the cattery," 

"the what," you asked 

"the cattery is where all the meow officers hang out," taihou explained with a hint of excitement 

"ok, i guess we go there for the afternoon," 

you enter inside and see odd-looking cats with sailor hats on "what the hell did those scientists make now," you pick on up and it purrs "cute,"

however when the cat saw taihou it ran towards her and the other cats "taihou they seem fond of you," Musashi said when she tried to put one it ran away from her "asshole," she mumbled 

"yah why are they attracted to you," Yamato asked she managed to pick one up and saw on the hat of one it said Jin. she put the cat down and picked up another one and its hat said Jin "taihou why are all of these cats named Jin," 

"ummm i don't know, ok maybe we should go somewhere else how about the garden," taihou grabbed your hand and ran to the garden. arriving at the garden where little manjuu gardeners and butterflies "since when did we have a garden," 

"we had it built after the base was destroyed by you and some girls wanted a spot of to relax  at," Yamato said 

"so a lot was added to the base after i destroyed it," you asked 

"basically," Musashi said "but don't beat yourself up about it," 

the afternoon was spent in the garden and it was peaceful that you got drowsy and Shinano  placed your head on her lap "you've been sleeping a lot love," she rubbed your head "you sleeping well because we can cancel plans for tonight if you want to rest," 

"maybe when I was siren i didn't need sleep since that cube made me almost into a machine, but without it, I'm now human again," you yawned "hehe im like you now sleepy fox," you joked Shinano blushed and wrapped you in her tails "you rest now," 

Akagi's plan

he doesn't know me well I'll change that he helped my nee-san and is kind. so I'll get to him and well have little fox carriers together. tomorrow I'll talk with him just for the afternoon 

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