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I felt like Beatrix was lying but I stayed quiet. "I'm scared. He said he would hurt the people I cared about if-

"Don't worry about anything. I have it handled," Beatrix told me solemnly.

"I don't get it?" I looked over at her. "How?"

"You don't need to get it. Just trust me."

"Kind of hard to do when you avoid me after sex and try to flirt with my best friend," I snapped.

Beatrix braked hard, making everything in the car jump forward. "A'livia told you?"

"No. I saw," I said.

An expression of surprise crossed her face.

"You were avoiding me too. And what happened between me and A'livia isn't what you think," she mumbled.

"Oh yeah? Then why were you all in each other's faces?" I demanded.

"We were drunk and we're both flirts. Jesus," she threw up her hands in exasperation.

"Just cause I was avoiding you doesn't mean you had to avoid me," I said pettily.

"Sorry. I heard you were on a date with the Big Bad Wolf. Didn't know you wanted me to crash it," she said sarcastically. "Oh, by the way, since you're mad that A'livia and I were flirting, did you tell your girlfriend that we slept together?"

"I did," I said evenly. "We both admitted to our mistakes and that's how we ended up on a date at the park."

"Just cause y'all are a couple going somewhere, doesn't make it a date," Beatrix snorted, amused. "And the park? I'm surprised Vonna went with you."

"I don't get why you're getting snarky with me. You sound real jealous right now. All I was saying is, I don't trust you cause you felt the need to play 'seduce the other best friend'."

"I'm single and you're not, Liberty. I don't get why you're even this pressed about things," Beatrix argued. "Yeah, I was in the wrong for going for your best friend, but I needed a break and she was there for me. We didn't hang out with each other with the intention for all of that to happen. I just needed to chill. I'm her friend too."

"You're right. I'll just shut up," I looked away.


"Beatrix," I said back evenly.

"Let's just focus on the task at hand," she sighed.

"I swear I'm leaving this damn town as soon as I can," I murmured.


"So what's your plan?"

"Negotiate with the dumb fuck," she shrugged, stating that like it was nothing.

"How can you be so calm? That man was scary as hell," I shuddered.

"I've dealt with worse," she said coldly.

"Like?" I prodded.

"You," she tried to throw me a smile.

"You're not distracting me, Mavis. I want truth, and I know that you're hiding something," I told her.

"If you go looking in the right spots...maybe you'll find something out," she gave me a little mysterious smile, changing the air.

"I'll take that as a challenge then," I said.

"We'll see."

My Girlfriend's Ex (StudxStud)Where stories live. Discover now