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I stared down at Beatrix's blood, in a nice little puddle on the dark carpet as I was handcuffed and walked out of Jeredine's room. Jeredine herself was crying hysterically as Beatrix was taken out on a stretcher, Liberty riding in the ambulance with her. I didn't hurt anything vital- that was the point: to let her live. She'll remember the decision she made forever.

We made it outside to reporters and cops milling around, much like the scene last night/early morning at Beatrix's.

"Why did you hurt that poor girl?"

She made the wrong decision.

"What was your motive?"

My heart.

"Would you do this again?"

Each...and every...time.

"Vonna East, what do you have to say about your actions?"

My head snapped to the reporter who had asked that. How did she know my name? Wouldn't they hide that type of shit since I was a minor?

"Vonna East! Vonna East!" the crowd of reporters erupted into more questions, now armed with my legal name thanks to a nosy ass person.

I was shoved into the back of a police car, my eyes locking with Liberty's through the barred window as she climbed into the back of an ambulance.

"Bitch," she mouthed.

I was driven to the station, my demeanor calm. I had done what I had to. I hadn't gotten my way and well, shit had to be resolved.

I tried to be tough on her and it didn't work; I tried to be the sweet, passive person she wanted me to be and this shit backfired...now it's time to be me.

An hour later, the older cop I had paid to update me on Beatrix's condition (since the head one refused), informed me that Beatrix and Liberty were safe at the hospital, apparently enjoying a lot of "mouth to mouth" in the ER. Beatrix's condition wasn't critical, as I had planned, and my mother was already trying to smooth things over in town by offering a banquet in Beatrix's name.

Typical mother.

"Any message I need to send along?" he asked.

"Tell Beatrix," I smiled to myself as I sat in the empty room, my wrists cuffed, my ass tired of the hard chair, "She is strong now." The cop left, taking down my note. Who knew if he was even using my money for what I asked- who knew if this wasn't all some cop mindplay thing? It didn't matter anymore.

Beatrix was finally strong.

She made me stop cheating and put my eyes on her, after all of these months, and I don't even think it was intentional. We fought, she kissed Liberty, she stole my girlfriend. I'll never pass up a challenge like Beatrix Mavis again. I guess for now...I am weak.

"You're mine's," I whispered, staring ahead.

The End

Hey y'all, this is my book called "Compulsively in Love", it's a femxfem story which is something I don't think I've ever written, if I have, it's probably on another account. Anyways, don't forget to check out my reading list and share it with your friends! Enjoy the book and when I'm not updating, feel free to read my others.

 Anyways, don't forget to check out my reading list and share it with your friends! Enjoy the book and when I'm not updating, feel free to read my others

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