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Her lips were all over mine, and my hands crawled through her wild hair like ants. "Liberty," I moaned softly, "Liberty." She bit my lip slowly, applying the right amount of pressure before sticking her tongue into my mouth.

"Liberty," I sighed, satisfied.

Her hands slipped across my body as she undressed me. I laid on the bench in the empty locker room, my skin bare to the cold. When Vonna had proposed the idea of us breaking into the school because "we only live once", I imagined us going in and vandalizing some shit and hoping the school wouldn't check the cams and just think it was an early senior prank. I didn't envision this.

She got on top of me and brushed her hand gently over the brownish bruise right underneath my breast. I don't even remember how that one came to be. Sometimes I hurt so much that I wonder how my body has survived this long.

How is my body stronger than me, I would wonder.

V moaned appreciatively as her lips went across me, her hands tracing the insides of my wet pussy. I always had to push away the thought of her cheating on me. I knew she cheated. It just seemed like there was nothing I could do to make things right. To make her really mine.

So I don't fight it when she flirts with other girls but boy does it hurt. "Mmm," she moaned, placing my hand against her pussy. "I wanna scissor," she admitted, the silhouette of her body shaded by the darkness inside- our only light coming from the large windows atop of the locker room, letting the moon's reach in.

"Are you sure we should do this, Vonna?" I asked.

She froze, the darkness too overwhelming for me to really see the full extent of her expression. "You wonder why I cheat, but then you'll ask stupid shit like this."

She got up angrily, for the first time, not hitting me. She hurriedly put on her clothes, leaving me cold and confused on the bench. Was I so beneath her now that she couldn't even touch me? Even if that mere touch was a sharp strike to the face?

My heart sunk inside of me, sadness pouring over my body in the replacement of my clothing.

Have I really failed to such a point?

I heard the closing of the locker room door, letting me know that my question had been answered.

I punched a locker, a firm dent imbedding into the ugly blue. I felt satisfied, pleased even as I watched the material crush. Now, I feel strong. Strong enough to fight for who I love.

"Now...you can really be mine's," I whispered, touching the tender bruise on my chest, right above my heart.

I pushed Liberty off of me, sucking on air as I held my chest, heaving.

"Whoaaa, y'all went for three minutes. I wanted to stop you but you looked like you were having so much fun," Onella giggled, then let out a loud hiccup.

Liberty was on the ground, the crowd of people around us staring at her as tears prickled at her eyes.

I got up, dizzy as I grabbed my phone and left my own room. I couldn't look at her, couldn't think about anything. I pushed my door open and stumbled to my bathroom, suddenly acknowledging the line. People shot me irritated looks but nobody objected as the birthday girl cut the line.

There was a loud commotion coming from inside.

"This is just sick! And after I was finally starting to believe you were a good person...for my friend's sake," Jeredine said the last part softly.

My Girlfriend's Ex (StudxStud)Where stories live. Discover now