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"I'll do what I want."

"Yeah? Stick your cheap ass strap in random bitches but then I can't go out with my friends? I can't party? I can't do anything?" I shouted back.

She turned away from me, shaking her head. "I knew you were fucking too much when I got with you. I should have went for your friend instead."

"What the hell does that mean? Did you sleep with her too?"

"Maybe I did, B!" Vonna snapped, walking quickly towards me, where I sat on her bed. "What would you do about it?" She slapped me across the face, not holding back at all. "You never do anything!"

"You want me to do something? You want me to do something, huh?" I sniffled, holding my face as I backed away from her.

"I wouldn't have to do this if you just didn't complain so damn much, B. I love you," Vonna's voice softened, "and you don't see that. Those girls- they don't mean shit to me. They're just innocent fun and you get all worked up over nothing. It's not like I use the same strap-on with them."

"I just- I just don't like when you cheat," I whispered.

"I don't care," V said flatly, "I'm gonna do what I want to, B. You said you were ready to hold this relationship together. I told you that I have issues with cheating and you said you would straighten me out. That you'd be my ride or die." She looked at me in disgust, "But all you do is cower on the floor. Are you really strong enough to be my girlfriend? If you can't defend yourself then how will you defend me? How can it be you and me against the world?"

"I'm weak," I sniffled.

"Very," Vonna nodded, "but it's okay because I'm here to help you be strong." She moved my hand away from my cheek and rubbed it tenderly. "Don't be afraid, B. Don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid," I lifted up my chin a little.

"Then stop me," Vonna let go of chin. It felt like she had taken the most precious thing away from me when she let go. "Stop me from cheating," she said with a crazed look in her eyes. "Or you'll have to watch me fuck bitches. You'll have to hear about me at parties. You'll have to see me holding hoes hands in the hallway. Stick up for what you want, Beatrix. Don't be a little bitch," she sneered.

"What do you want me to do, V?" I sniffled, "I already do what I can. I yell at you. I fight the girls. I pull you away from them. I try to make you stay home when there's parties. Why do I have to stop you? Why can't you stop yourself?"

"Don't," she grabbed my arm, digging her nails in, "question me."

"Stop!" I tried to pull away. "Stop!"

"Quit fucking yelling. My mother isn't home, and nobody gives a fuck." She pushed me further back on the bed. "Make me stop cheating, B. Make me stop," she taunted me. "Make me stop it, Beatrix."

"Stop cheating," I whispered.

She crawled between my legs on the bed, leaning over me. "Make me stop," she said slowly.

"Stop cheating," I repeated, tears rolling down my face.

"Make me," she laughed, amusement glimmering in her eyes. This didn't turn her on, this only made her laugh.

"I'm not a fucking joke, Vonna! Stop cheating!" I shouted, pushing her off of me.

She only kept laughing.

"Stop cheating! Stop cheating!" I shouted, my hands balled into fists. She wouldn't stop laughing so I punched her. Right in the throat. She stumbled backwards off of the bed, holding her neck. She steadied herself quickly by holding onto the wall with one hand, her other still on her throat.

Fear prickled in the form of sweat across my body.

She gulped hard, her eyes watering as she looked over at me. Death was in her gaze. This is it. She's gonna fucking kill me. I'm not gonna make it.

"You think," she caught her breath, "that's gonna stop me from cheating?"

"No. But you'll see what will," I got off the bed, my legs shaky as fuck. This is what she wants, right? I brought my hand back to punch her and she pinned me on the wall. "Vonna, let me go," I stared hard into her eyes.

She didn't say anything back, she only held me there by the arms, her grip so tight that I could feel my pulse. My arms were losing circulation. My hands hurt so bad. "V. Let me go. Now."

"Or what?" she taunted me.

"Why do you do this to me? Don't you know this is wrong?" I cried.

She leaned in towards my ear, like she was telling me a little secret. "It only matters if other people care."

It seemed like my world was falling to pieces.

"Nobody cares," I whispered, "about me."

"Nobody. Only me," she assured me, pulling back.

A tear rolled down my cheek as she let go of my arms and gave me a little kiss right underneath my chin, where I punched her at. "Don't forget you're just as abusive as I am, B. You fucking hit me too. You just punched me," she said, turning away from me. But you make me do it! And I'm always just trying to escape your grasp! "Do you want anything from the kitchen? My mom bought some blow pops."

"No. N-Nothing," I rubbed my arms where red marks showed V's strength.

"Beatrix, you need to start eating more. You're getting skinny," she commented.

"I'm sorry," I hung my head.

She turned around, rubbing her neck with one hand and taking me in from the doorway. "What are you sorry for?" she asked, her tone genuine.

"For letting you down so much," I started to cry.

"Beatrix," she sighed softly. V walked over to me and hugged me tight, sighing again against my neck. "As humans, we can only try to do better."

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