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"You satisfied? I'm home all safe and sound," I mumbled, laying across Vonna's bed.

"This isn't what I wanted," she sighed, frustrated as hell.

"What? This whole situation or this relationship?"

"See," Vonna turned towards me from her bathroom mirror, stepping into her room. "I feel like you complain and complain so you can have a valid reason to leave this relationship. Like you're just tryna convince me to break up with you subliminally."

"Oh, I complain? And why would I try to break us up? Give me a good reason, Von. Is this because of Beatrix?"

"See," she pointed at me, "I didn't even fucking mention Beatrix. You did. You guilty about something, huh? Maybe you're tryna run off with her for all I know. I nag because I feel like you're pulling apart from me each and everyday to go with Beatrix."

I sighed, turning away from her. "Is this all because I wanted to have fun with a friend?"

"Use your psychological bullshit all you want, Liberty. You don't wanna go on the damn date then fine. Get out."

"Fine, the fuck. I will," I got up, grabbed my shit and slammed her bedroom door. Ms. Zion wasn't downstairs, so I didn't have to deal with the awkwardness of walking past her. I left Vonna's house and called up Beatrix, hoping that she was still nearby. When she didn't answer, I called A'livia.

"Hey baby girl," my other best friend said.

"Vonna den pissed me off. I'm at her crib. Where are you?"

"Nothing, at home. I can't come get you though, I'm in a little bit of trouble. Forgot to do some chores."

"Do you know if Jeredine or Onella are free? Even Amy?" I asked. Amy and I were the least close out of my friend group, and honestly I've been spending more time with Beatrix than any of them, but I'm sure any of them would give me a ride.

"Jeredine is out...at some stores doing her thing. I haven't heard from Onella all day but she's probably with her or Amy."

"That's fine. I'll call around and see what I can manage. I just don't want to walk alone at night. Shit is getting real lately."

"Yeah." It was silent for a moment. "I don't like to pick sides and I'm not involved in your relationship whatsoever, but did you and Vonna argue about Beatrix again?"

"Yeah," I sighed, sitting down on the curb. "She kicked me out of the room. We keep having the same argument over...and over...and over. And we never get anywhere with it. We never get a solution out of it. We just make up then fall out. It's a fucking cycle."

"From an outsiders perspective, and being both of y'all's friends, it does look like you and Beatrix have something more-

I started to argue but A'livia shushed me.

"I don't really like Beatrix. I've been upfront about that ever since she approached you in the cafeteria that day and confronted you about Vonna's ways and how toxic their shit was. I'm cordial to her and all, but I really think she's gonna be the end of what you and Vonna have, and I feel like she's doing that shit on purpose. What other reason does she have with being your friend?"

"Maybe she just clicks with me. I feel that. I feel that with you too. That's why you're my best friend," I defended Beatrix.

"Look, there's so many red flags everywhere. I don't even know who you should cut off first. Just try sitting back and looking at things, Liberty. Where are all the problems coming from and how can you solve shit?"

"I hate this," I looked down at the pavement beneath my feet. "I hate having to make tough decisions."

"Don't we all?" A'livia chuckled.

"If I let Beatrix go, then...it's gonna hurt me a lot, A. We really have a connection. If she's faking all of this she must be superhuman or something. I don't think there's a manipulative bone in Beatrix's body," I explained. "But she is ruining things with Vonna and I. I mean, I could see why Von hates this. I'm talking to her ex."

"Maybe chill out on hanging with Beatrix as often. That could be a compromise that both of you can deal with, you know?"

"I'll try that. It just sucks."

"Hey, nobody said a relationship would be perfect."

"Thanks, A. I'm gonna call up one of the girls and see if I can get a ride. Ramyn's with my dad tonight, and my mom's at the store working out some things."

"Alright. I'm heading to bed after I mop the floors. Good night, love you."

"Love you, too."

My Girlfriend's Ex (StudxStud)Where stories live. Discover now