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"Nice working with you," I nodded at the girl.

"You too. Keep the change."

"Will do."

I pulled off in my Maserati and headed back to my crib, tapping my fingers on my steering wheel. I had calmed down a ton since the cafe incident, but my mind kept drifting back to it every time it wondered.

I was wrong to go off on Liberty- I know that. But hearing her call me that...it felt like Vonna's abusive taunting all over again. I was B, and she was my V. We were inseparable and crazy and toxic together, and she was my lil boo thang. Hearing that pet name come out of Liberty's mouth just set off an entire chain reaction of trauma within me.

It still wasn't right.

I parked my car at the crib and hurried inside so I could put on my work fit. I'm due there in fifteen minutes and judging by all the traffic I saw on my way in, this could be a twenty minute drive to work.

Liberty was blowing up my phone, but I wasn't ready to talk to her yet, nor did I have the time. Matter of fact, I got everybody silenced. I don't wanna hear from her nosy ass friends or even Vonna. Shit, I wouldn't even be surprised if Miss Big and Bad came and wanted to fight me because of the incident.

For this...I'd deserve that.

But I promise you Vonna will never lay another hand on me for anything or anyone else.

For Liberty, I'd do a lot.

After I got to work (late, might I add), it all felt monotonous. The motions of talking to customers, giving them food, pretending like I was happy to service them- when quite frankly this job doesn't even pay me enough to blink.

I was about an hour into my shift when my manager called me to the front. I was helping out back with some crates coming from the delivery trucks on the loading dock.

"Wassup," I followed him until we got over to Liberty.

"What's going on?" I frowned. Me and Liberty were best friends and all, but this is my place of work. I can't just up and do regular shit when I'm on the clock. Not to mention, I haven't even thought of what I needed to say to her about the cafe incident.

"Go. I understand," my manger bowed his head, a sad expression on his face.

"Uh, thanks," I left behind Liberty, not saying anything until we left the building.

"What's this about, Liberty?" I demanded. "And what the hell did you tell my manager to let him let me off the hook like that?"

"Vonna and Amy fought."

"I don't have time for this high school shit, Liberty. I have a job and it's summer. What drama could possibly be going on now? Niggas should be happy we ain't in school with grown ass adults who can't even put a breath mint in after they have morning coffee telling us what to do! We almost twelfth graders for shit's sake," I ranted.

"I'm sorry," Liberty said, her voice filled with emotion. I stopped walking towards my car and grabbed her by the neck, pulling her against me. I let go of her neck and held her on my body by the waist. I looked down at her face, our noses touching. "Stop apologizing for shit you don't need to apologize for. Been there, done that, love."

"Beatrix," she searched my eyes.

Speaking of breath mints, her breath smelled like the burger she had earlier...but she was Liberty, so I didn't mind. "Liberty?"

"I can't do this. Not even after she..." she started to sniffle, turning away from me. "God, this is mad embarrassing."

"What happened?"

"Vonna and Amy got into it because Amy caught Vonna tryna flirt with another girl."

I let go of Liberty's hand because of shock at this news and the most hurt expression crossed her face.

"I'm sorry. I just- I didn't think she would do this," I told her honestly, grabbing her hand again, "it had seemed like she was willing to make a change. Maybe- Maybe Amy misinterpreted what Vonna was doing."

"Amy and Vonna are in jail," Liberty sighed, rubbing her forehead, "Vonna's mother is raising hell to make sure that this doesn't go public but I feel like half the town already knows and Amy's folks can't afford to bail her out for the time being, and she said she had a feeling they wanted to teach her a bit of a lesson anyways."

"So you've talked to them? Or seen them since then?" I asked.

"Yeah. I went up there. Me, Onella, and Jeredine."

"Of course Vonna and her mother would be worried about saving face," I said with disgust. "C'mon." I unlocked my car and opened the door for Liberty.

"You know we gotta talk about that, right? All of that back there," she waved her hand around in a little circle.

"I know," I exhaled a little, "I'm sorry. I let...my emotions take over me."

"What emotions were those?" Liberty asked, looking over at me as I got into the driver's seat.

"The kind...I don't know about."

"Hello? Hella vague, Beatrix. What are you tryna tell me?"

"You know how I felt about you when we first met, Liberty," I stated, adjusting the air and putting on my seat belt.

"Oh gosh, Beatrix. Don't tell me you still..." Her face searched mine. "Beatrix," she said softly.

I looked away, sighing. "Where to?"

Liberty paused for a moment. "The station. If that's alright with you," she added.

"That's fine."

I backed out of my parking space smoothly, looked back, then curved my car around and drove off, heading to the police station.

Damn it, Beatrix.

You might have messed up a good thing.

My Girlfriend's Ex (StudxStud)Where stories live. Discover now