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"Run away with us," she told me simply.

"Run away," I laughed, "with you and Liberty?"

"Liberty already agreed. It's not like you have to worry about parents or anything," she said then flinched, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that after what you told me yesterday."

"If my mom hadn't raped me, then I wouldn't have to worry about being on my own but here I am," I said quietly. "Why do you want to run away? Why not wait until next summer? It isn't that long."

"Because Aster Waters itself is toxic. And I want to be with the two people I care about."

"This shit...is a lot to take in," I scratched my face, sitting on Jeredine's bed. Her room was small with a large TV and some video games. Jeredine was in the bathroom freshening up, and Vonna had arrived about ten minutes ago.

"I want to leave before next week."

"I could go to jail. Legally, I'm an adult, and they might think I tried to take you and Liberty-

"We won't be found. You...have your connections, you can't keep us hidden?"

I leaned forward and held Vonna's hand. "Vonna, this isn't worth all of the drama. You're making all of these decisions based off of a silly whim. Trying for a relationship that shouldn't be resurrected."

She squeezed my hand gently, "I don't think you understand: I wasted my time on Liberty, but now I realize that you're the one for me. I'll stop the cheating, stop the abuse. Liberty's the only person you'd have to worry about me being with and we both like her. We could all try at something."

I moved out of her grasp, "So every time you decide something I'm just supposed to blindly follow? Not anymore, Vonna. I'm not Liberty. I'm strong now."

"Then we wait. We can wait until after high school and all try at something. Beatrix, just please try," she pleaded, "I messed up and I really want your heart."

"I had to share you for so long. Unwillingly, because of the cheating, and now you're asking me to agree to it? I think we've seen a lot of everyone's true colors in the past few days," I stated.

"People make mistakes," Vonna pleaded.

"But the mistake you made was impactful, Vonna. I'll never forget it. Never see you as anyone else except the monster you showed me."

"So your answer is no?" she asked quietly, "You won't even consider anything...ever?"

I thought about all of the hell, the time I had to do, and the pain that I suffered. "No. No I won't Vonna. I wish you and Liberty the best, whether you guys run off together this summer or the next," I said firmly, "but I won't put myself through anything more."

"I can respect that," she said, her head down.

She reached behind her back and pulled out a knife.

"Vonna," my eyes widened.

"Old habits die hard," she whispered before lunging at me.

My Girlfriend's Ex (StudxStud)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz