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Liberty and I convinced her mother to let her have a week long sleepover (enough time for me to have Chad killed). I let Rocky order my men to surveillance Liberty's place and patrol the streets near her friend's houses; which is how I ended up carrying luggage into my crib.

"This shit is heavy, bro. Do you have a dead body in here?" I complained as Liberty perched on my couch, sipping the lemonade I bought with an amused expression.

"Maybe," she shrugged.

"How are you gonna explain this little living arrangement to Vonna?" I asked her, smirking when my back was to her. That'd wipe that little smugness off her face. "Cause you know she'll hear about this."

"I don't know, truthfully. I guess I'll tell her the truth."

"The less people that know, the less liabilities, Liberty."

"I don't get why you don't want me to go to the cops, Beatrix?"

"Because you stole from the mother fucker first." That was a weak excuse that the cops would logically ignore because of how much worse Chad's side of things was. They'd let a smaller criminal go for ratting out a larger one.

At least, Aster Waters PD would.

"I just don't get what you can do that they can't."

"I know some people. I'm not from around here, remember?" It was a half lie, true, but it was as close as I was comfortable getting to the truth.

"You know people from when you were eight years old," Liberty gave me a bored look, "How credible."

"Dumb ass, yeah. The people I used to snort Crayola's with now know people who can...deal with pricks like this Chad dude."

"So they're like...bad people?" Liberty asked curiously, excitement oddly in her eyes. "That's pretty cool. I don't know anyone else who knows like...criminals."

"Liberty, you're damn near a criminal yourself. And so were your friends," I rolled my eyes, "and my people aren't bad people." Yeah, they can't be bad people if they don't exist. My guys are really the ones who will be handling this, them and that dude that Rocky hired. I barely even remember anything from when I moved from El Paso to Aster Waters when I was eight, but Liberty doesn't need to know that.

"What you're trying not to say directly is that you're gonna have him killed, right?" Liberty tilted her head, looking at me.

I held a box of things underneath my arm. "Yeah."

I watched her reaction carefully. A variety of emotions crossed her face before she seemed to accept things. "Okay," she simply said.

I turned to take her things further into the house and she started back up talking. "I didn't know you was a badass like that. What, you was in the hood or something?"

"Nahh," I chuckled, "just El Paso."

"So what should I tell Vonna?" Liberty asked me.

I decided to forget the boxes and shut the front door, going to sit on the other part of the couch. "I honestly don't know. I mean, I wouldn't mind her getting killed but it really wouldn't be the best thing for her safety if she knows about this in case shit go South," I smirked.

"Ugh. You're evil," she rolled her eyes. "I'll just tell her you're sick and I'm taking care of you. That means you have to take off of work and-

"Wait, wait, wait. I have to go to work until June ninth, miss ma'am. I can't afford to have the law on my ass. This is the job I have filed down as my source of income. My b-day's in a few days."

"Really? And they don't question how you have a house doing a minimum wage job?" Liberty scoffed, "Matter of fact- how do you have a house doing a minimum wage job?"

"None ya business," I told her, getting up from the couch to get myself some water.

I felt her eyes on me.

I was wearing a muscle shirt, basketball shorts, and my skin was glistening in sweat. A good shower would be the first thing that I do after Liberty tires of her investigative streak.

"I can feel you looking at me," I said from the kitchen.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Maybe my parents help pay for some of my shit," I shrugged, entertaining her.

"Do you even have parents? You never talk about yourself. Your personal life," she went on and on about how secretive I seemed to be, in her opinion.

"Maybe I don't like talking about those things."


"Cause I don't, Liberty. Damn," I snapped.

"Is it because of your past?"

"You're really pissing me off. Are you gonna seriously keep asking me these questions after I've expressed that I won't answer them? The fuck are you, a cop?"

Liberty seemed shocked that I went off on her.

I twisted open my water and chugged it, trying to cool myself down and level my anger.

"Sorry," she mumbled, getting up from the couch.

"Me too. Just...go with that story for Vonna and the rest of our friends," I shrugged. "I'll take off a bit this week to make things look convincing but I still have to go to work a little," I told her.

"That'll work," she said tightly.

Great, now I've pissed her off.

"Fuck," I sighed.

My Girlfriend's Ex (StudxStud)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora