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"Thanks for picking me up, Onella."

"No problem. My mom let me borrow the car," she commented. "What happened at...Vonna's?"

"A'livia called you?" I asked.

Ahh, a friend group. Where you have no secrets. A curiosity of men, a somewhat safe haven for women.

"No," Onella answered, then saw my expression. "I'm serious. She didn't. I just figured since...you know, people have been noticing how tense you guys are around each other," my friend shrugged. "And you did have a big date. And I did pick you up from Vonna's. All big clues."

"I don't really wanna talk about it honestly. It's always the same ole argument anyways. You hang out with Beatrix too much," I mimicked Vonna's voice.

My phone buzzed in my pocket in a synchronized pattern. "Hold on. Someone's calling." Onella nodded, turning down the radio. I took my friend in for the first time since I got in the car. She had on a simple all-green tracksuit with a beanie covering her natural hair. Her thighs spread beautifully across the seat, her skin smooth underneath the passing streetlights. Ayy, thats my motherfucking friend!

"Hello? Hey, Beatrix," I laughed. Why did I just laugh? She hasn't even said anything yet! Ugh.

"Hey. I saw you had called. Everything alright? I just made it back home."

"Oh, me and Vonna ended up not going on the date," I told her. I didn't get into any specifics, I'm pretty sure she had already guessed why.

Onella nudged me. "Beatrix," she mouthed.

I nodded, turning my attention back to Beatrix.

"Oh, sorry to hear that. So where are you now?"

"Onella's dropping me off back home then me and her are gonna do something simple. I'm gonna sleep over at her place tonight."

Beatrix and I talked a little before she started getting sleepy, and that was that. As soon as we got off the phone, Onella bust out laughing. "Girl, this is a damn reality show."

"Why?" I laughed, looking over at her.

"You really don't see it, do you?" she shook her head.

"Oh my gosh. You too? A'livia keeps telling me this, Amy tells me this, you do," I counted on my fingers.

"Cause it's true!" Onella exclaimed.

"Even if Beatrix and I did have something. How would it look for me to go with Vonna's ex? That would be my girlfriend's ex," I rolled my eyes.

"I mean, that would be some drama that the school would eat up for days, hon. Not gonna lie, I can imagine the two of them fighting for you."

"This is not one of yo werewolf lover books, Onella. They would never," I giggled, "plus me and Von are gonna get married."

Onella gave me a look, then laughed again. "Yea, right. Over all your friend's plus Beatrix's dead body. That's a fucking massacre, Liberty. A massacre."

"Hey!" I shouted, "You busy talking and you almost passed up my house, miss girl." Onella dropped me off and I raced inside to get my things together.

"Home early. How was the date?" my dad asked, Ramyn on his lap as they watched a Disney movie.

"I didn't go. Vonna cancelled on me," I stood on the first step, giving him my best unbothered face. "I'm staying the night at Onella's though."

"Oh okay," he shrugged, "I'll tell your mom."

"She's still not back home?" I frowned, thinking about the time. I didn't want her to overwork too much. "Yeah," Ramyn answered, turning around.

"Hey, little bunny. What y'all been up to today?"

"Fun!" she shouted.

"Alright, alright. You're missing the best part," my dad said, pointing back at the tv. I kept going up the stairs and got my things together in my room. Once I had enough stuff to spend the night, I said goodbye to my dad and my little sister, then went outside to Onella.

"Parents gave you trouble?" she asked boredly.

"Nahh. Dad was cool about it. Him and Ramyn are just chilling. I think he wanted to ask me why Von cancelled on me but he really didn't wanna risk an emotional fall out. You know men can't handle a single sight of emotion. That shit is weak as hell."

"How did he know about it?"

"Oh, I told him."

Onella rolled her eyes, "And what is emotional fall out? It sounds like nuclear fall out," she laughed.

"I don't know. I probably made it up, or maybe I didn't. Who knows."

"Anyways. A'livia text. She's done with her chores and her mom finished lecturing her. Can she come?"

"Sure. Matter of fact, see if Amy and Jeredine are free too. We can all have a big thing."

"Jeredine is still out and about. She snuck out and Amy is with her. And honestly, they've both been pretty distant. I think Amy has another friend group, and you know, A'livia and Jeredine date so this sleepover would just be a big compilation of them making out," Onella fake gagged.

"Discrimination against couples!" I declared, "Vonna comes to our sleepovers sometimes and me and her don't make out the whole time."

"I can't even imagine you guys touching each other. Of course y'all don't. A'livia and Jeredine on the other hand. I swear I was so surprised when they revealed their little thing awhile back, but at the same time I should have seen that coming," Onella laughed. Yeah, Jeredine revealed they were dating after she admitted her crush on me the day prior in the library, which was also the same day I met Beatrix and learned she was Vonna'a ex. Who would have known that this all would have led to this?

"Hey! Vonna and I do stuff!"

"Cap. But okay. Arguing isn't sexual, Liberty. Not unless y'all are like that," Onella snorted.

"Hey! Shut yo single ass up," I rolled my eyes.

"Come cuff me then, Liberty. I'll fly you out anywhere you want. I bet Vonna won't do that," Onella blew a kiss my way.

"Ima tell her you tryna come onto me," I said with fake shock. "You don't tell her about it when Beatrix does it." My mood dropped real quick, and shit got serious. "Yo, I was just playing but what the fuck is that supposed to mean?" I demanded. "I was just playing, Liberty. Get a sense of humor," she rolled her eyes.

"You know me and Vonna are having relationship issues, and you wanna joke like that? That shit dead pissed me off, Onella. That's not cool, bro," I confronted her.

"Don't be mad at me when you're the one fucking up your relationship. I was just playing around but I'm not gonna hold back my opinion. You ask for advice from me all the time so here it is: your little flirting with Beatrix is gonna be the death of what you and Vonna have. I'm not hating. It's not because I'm single. It's because I'm not naive, I have common sense, and I care about you. I'm your friend. Now suck it up, and realize that I was joking. Damn."

"If you feel that way. Whatever," I mumbled, turning my face towards the window. Conversation: over. I see how Onella is now, and I'm not finna ask her for shit anymore.

"God, this is so stupid," she mumbled.

My Girlfriend's Ex (StudxStud)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant