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hello my friends,

we have come to the end of BOYFRIEND. what. a. journey.

oh gosh. i can't believe i literally birthed out a book. many of you guys don't know this but i have tried multiple times to finish a book but i couldn't really commit to it. it was hard to finish a story from start to end to be honest, props to all my fellow writers out there. you're doing great.

but you know, all this wouldn't have been possible without your support. my dearest, dearest readers. i love you. with my whole heart. i couldn't have pushed out this baby alone. though, i am apologetic that it took so long to complete. i'm so thankful that so many of you guys are still reading this story and commenting on it. seeing how well received this book is and how much you guys liked it really makes my day and is the sole driving force of my motivation to get it out there. so from the bottom of my heart, thank you so much.

i have mentioned before that i originally wanted BOYFRIEND to be a one shot but i suddenly had a change of mind.

at that point in time, i found myself in a very similar situation. how many of you guys can relate? lol. i don't know. it's just something about falling for your best friend that hits so different. it's a type of love that runs so deep that it's hard to forget.

i wanted to portray the transitioning of being best friends to something more in the story. hence, depicting the initial awkward stages, conflicts, setting of boundaries and more. i don't know if you guys noticed but i subtly tried making y/n go softer for takahashi over time while takahashi was soft with her from the get go because that was the original nature of their friendship. but of course, when things change, people are bound to change too. so in a way, y/n was slowly adapting to the situation while takahashi was busy getting used to understanding what it's like being in a relationship.

but of course, i acknowledge that the story is flawed. i don't really know how to feel about this book. i don't like it neither do i dislike it. nevertheless, this story is the fruit of my hard work and i look at it with pride. many " arcs " were " inspired " by my experiences as a teenager. so in a way, this book is a short and partial compilation of my life story.

i tried writing each one of my characters with as much realistic emotions as possible. i put myself in their shoes and try to think like them to the best of my abilities. if i made you guys love/hate my characters, then i think that my job is done.

lastly, since i didn't get to elaborate much on the relationships of the different characters, here are some official cannons because i'm the author and i can:

1.) y/n and takahashi still has no plans for the future though they are end game. marriage and children is something they haven't thought about, especially since takahashi went pro. everything is ambiguous as they wish to take life one step at a time. they travel around the world together whenever takahashi has training sessions or matches outside japan.
2.) yukio sakamoto also went pro and now plays together with takahashi. his parents ended up being his number one fan and bragged about him to literally everyone. yes, haru and him eventually get together. their relationship is somewhat long distance since both of them are traveling elsewhere for competitions. because of the nature of their relationship, sakamoto's parents remain unaware of it.
3.) aki and y/n remain good friends even after graduation. aki eventually got into fashion school and is an aspiring fashion designer. but unfortunately because of her busy schedule, she and kaori break up. she isn't looking to date soon since she wants to focus on her career.
4.) hana and her friends are no longer on bad terms, though they no longer hang out with each other. hana is slowly understanding the importance of being kind and has made many friends of varying interests. everyone in school says she's changed for the better and genuinely want to make her acquaintance. she ended up in fashion school with aki.
5.) i never had the opportunity to address this but y/n does not have a father figure. why? i'll leave it up to your imagination. but this explains her strong bond with her mother.

and... okay! that's it! i don't anything more to say. it's a wrap!

if you made it this far, thank you. if you didn't read this note, thank you too!

oh and one more thing.

a new book is on the way! (you can't get rid of me that easily.)

how many of y'all watch haikyuu? because my new book is a BOKUAKA one!! and it's called RED STRING OF FATE. and because i'm more experienced now, i'm hoping i can bring more to the table heheh.

details regarding the book will be published soon.


i guess this is the real end now. * deep sigh *

once again, thank you for reading BOYFRIEND. it was a great ride and i will miss you all.

see you soon x

BOYFRIEND | takahashi ranحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن