35. you are not alone

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tw:: sexual assault, mention of r*pe culture in author's note

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tw:: sexual assault, mention of r*pe culture in author's note

    " hana, can you tell me exactly what happened just now? " the manager asked.

because of the incident, the manager decided to close the café early. everyone went home early, except the three of you, which were seated at a booth in the café. hana beside you and the manager opposite you. earlier that day, you have texted takahashi to go home without you as you expected this to take a while. takahashi was curious as of why you suddenly cancelled on him but you decided against telling him, at least for now.

" he called me over to get his order taken... then he... he suddenly... grabbed me here, " hana recalled as her hands hovered around her waist.

" take your time to explain it, " the manager encouraged.

" then he... he put his hands on........ sorry. i need to go to the wash room, " hana stated as she hastily stood up to take her leave.

the both of you watched as she left the table. there was an exceptionally uncomfortable atmosphere surrounding the three of you.

" y/n can you keep an eye out for hana? i don't think leaving her alone is a wise thing to do, " the manager requested, " and... can you help me find out what happened today? i think she would prefer to talk to a girl of the same age rather than an adult male. "

you knew that it wouldn't be easy talking to hana, especially under the given circumstances but you decided to push away your pride and do you best to show her support.

" okay, " you acknowledged as you chased hana to the toilet.

the familiar smell of burning cigarettes filled your nostrils. you were, once again, standing outside the toilet. the sound of running water could be heard from where you were.

you leaned against the toilet door, trying to hear what was going on inside. on closer inspection, you could hear grunts of frustration and heavy panting. you were very hesitant on going into the toilet.

fuck it.

you knocked gently before opening the toilet door.

hana looked at you with bloodshot, teary eyes which were filled with frustration and fear. she had one leg propped up the sink and a cigarette hanging from the left corner of her mouth. her hands were filled with tissues and the hem of her skirt was stained wet. red scratches were engraved into her thigh area. you guessed that they were probably from her fingernails.

she looked so defenceless... and almost... guilty.

" wait, " you said as you went to your bag to grab your hoodie and sweats that you intended to change out to after work.

you threw the clothes at her and told her to go change into them.

hana looked at you with softer eyes as she put out her cigarette before going into one of the bathroom stalls with your clothes.

BOYFRIEND | takahashi ranWhere stories live. Discover now