2. snuggle

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    the two of you migrated to his room, with you seated across him on his bed

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

the two of you migrated to his room, with you seated across him on his bed. you had his hand in yours. you carefully taped his slender fingers.

" ouch ouch ouch "

" dumb ass, this wouldn't be happening if you took better care of yourself, " you scolded him.

" it's volleyball... it happens, " he gave you a toothy grin.

" still... " you pouted as you continued taping his finger.

he placed his free hand on your head, " i will be more careful next time, " he suddenly brought his head closer to yours, foreheads almost touching. you felt your face heat up.

" go away, you're doing this alone the next time you jam your fingers, " you hastily pulled back and picked up a pillow, gently smacking his face with it.

" whaaat? " he frowned, " no... this is girlfriend duty! please please! you're the only one who i want my fingers taped by! " he threw himself onto you, hugging your waist as he snuggled his head against your stomach.

" go away, " you playfully tried to force him away.

" no! " he pushed against you even harder, causing you to fall flat on the bed. you could feel the weight of his upper body on your lower body.

he pushed himself up so that his face was directly on top of yours. you could see a light blush painting his cheeks like watercolour. you noticed his eyes trail to your lips as you noticed his adam's apple move up and down. at this point in time, your heart was beating a hundred miles an hour.

" we... we should sleep. i'll take the couch... you sleep here, " he quickly looked away and pushed himself off you, ready to leave the room.

you were overcame with a small wave of disappointment.

" w- wait. "

" hm? " he turned back to look at you.

" come here. lets sleep together. "

his face suddenly went into full blush. you slowly realised the naughty connotation your words brought about.

" no! no! i mean... come sleep with me on the bed! we used to do that all the time as children, " you quickly corrected your words. it was evident that you were in a state of panic. " i mean... only if you're comfortable with it, " you shyly added.

takahashi didn't need to be told twice. he quickly turned off the lights and slid himself back on his bed, parking himself beside you on your left.

you decided to face the wall, deciding that facing takahashi now would be too embarrassing. you could feel takahashi twirl your hair around his fingers before you felt his presence getting even closer to you. he cautiously snaked his hand around your stomach, bringing you even closer. you could feel his hot breath against your neck, sending shivers down your spine.

" goodnight kiddo, " he said sleepily.

... no response.

" i said goodnight, " he repeated himself passive aggressively, breaking whatever awkward shyness that was going on from previously.

you rolled your eyes playfully as your mouth curled into a smile. you took the hand snacked around your waist up to your chest region and kissed his knuckles.

" goodnight idiot, happy now? "

you felt a warm compress on the back of your neck, making your face immediately heat up.

" very happy. "

BOYFRIEND | takahashi ranHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin