49. you didn't cheat but you're still a traitor

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    takahashi woke up on an empty bed the next morning

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    takahashi woke up on an empty bed the next morning.

it was sunrise and the clock had just struck seven. he mentally cursed. he must've forgotten to set his alarm clock yesterday and as a result, is about to be late for school.

takahashi didn't have much time to think. he jumped out of bed and headed straight to the bathroom to wash up. he quickly threw on his uniform and was out the house in 15 minutes, only coming back in to grab a slice of bread before quickly shoving it in his mouth.

he should've took a bicycle or something but his quick (and horrible) decision making skills told him to run to school. the impact of his full body weight slamming down onto his ankles with every step made it hurt. he mentally cursed again.

the roads were busier as the holidays drew by but the air just got increasingly colder. there was more human traffic on the streets and the streets were more vibrant, but takahashi felt really lonely.

as he ran, he couldn't stop thinking about where you might have been. in fact, he genuinely thought it was rude of you to just leave without saying a word. he knew that you had to get up early to go home for a change of uniform but you could've went with him like you always had.

sweat stuck his uniform onto his naked skin as he kept running. his hair was getting shaped by the wind and his uniform started to crumple. his lose ankle length socks were falling under his feet as his breaths became shorter and shorter.

takahashi checked the time.

it was 7:27 am.

he clicked his tongue in dissatisfaction. he was going to be late for school and was no where near the school compound. there was no way he could magically appear at the gates in 3 minutes.

with that in mind, his hopes of being on time were crushed. he slowed down and started walking slowly towards the direction of school as he plugged in his ear piece, not caring about anything anymore.

his heartbeat was slowly steadying as his body came down from the adrenaline rush. sweat stuck to him like honey. he felt disgusted and seriously considered going home for a shower but he was just so tired.

he could feel a slight misalignment in his ankle with every step and beads of perspiration dripping down his neck.

furthermore, yesterday's incident didn't help him at all. thinking about it, made him text you. he asked for your whereabouts and why you left him alone in the morning before switching off his phone as he waited for your reply.

a sudden sharp pain shot up his feet. it must've been from the running. his feet had always hurt but he did a great job keeping it in. he knew that staying quiet was not sustainable but after seeing yukio sakamoto once, he was determined to finally beat him during the winter cup, even if it means putting his health as second priority.

thinking about sakamoto left a bitter taste in his mouth. there was a time when he called him by his name, his first name.

" hey ran! lets go play volleyball! " a short, scrawny black haired boy called out to his friend.

" ah yukio! what took you so long? " takahashi responded, happy to see his volleyball teammate and friend.

" my bad, i had something to take care of earlier, " the little boy apologised as he hurried next to takahashi's side, " do you think we will be late for practice? "

" not sure... but we definitely will be if we don't hurry, " takahashi exclaimed as he checked for the time, " coach is not going to be happy! "

" then let's go! what are you waiting for! " sakamoto hollered as he ran past takahashi, speeding in front of him and taking the lead towards the community sport's hall.

" hey... do you love volleyball? " takahashi asked as he felt the adrenaline and lactic acid build up leave his body.

training had just ended with things becoming a little more intense than usual but the boys were okay with it. competition was drawing close anyway. tougher trainings are for the better.

the two boys were seated by the pavement in front of a convenient store as they watched people from all paths of life walk past them.

it was dinner time and the sun had set. the stars and the moon were out to play and takahashi loved nothing more than to chill with his best buddy after a tiring session.

" love? i would marry volleyball if i could! " sakamoto exclaimed as he took a gulp of his energy drink. he was sweating so much that his bangs were stuck onto his forehead and his glasses started fogging up.

" then... why don't you join the school team? " takahashi asked.

" hmm... " sakamoto scratched his chin as he pondered, " i don't think i get along well with the people in our school, except you of course! you're my best and only friend! " sakamoto shot takahashi an unexpected wide grin, causing takahashi's heart to flutter a little.

sakamoto kept his grin as he awkwardly slung his hand around the taller boy's shoulder, pulling him down to his height.

he looked at the black haired boy with much adoration. his partner in crime and the only person he would trust to control the ball. he was small, scrawny and he was shy, especially around people he didn't know, but that didn't stop him from going against the volleyball athlete stereotype. he was outperforming bigger opponents in court, so often so that niche volleyball schools kept their eye out for him like a predator stalking its prey. he was a senior after all and every school knew that with the addition of this monster of a kid, tides are bound to change.

takahashi sincerely respected and looked up to him. though takahashi never verbally admitted, he wanted to be just like him.

" let's go, we deserve a good shower and a good dinner, " sakamoto said as he ruffled the younger's hair, walking home under the streetlights.

it was a perfect picture. an unexpected duo of a spiker and his trusty setter, a scene that looked as if they were freshly printed in a comic book... but not for long.

takahashi's happiness was short lived when he realised that that was the last time his ' best friend ' played on his side of the court.


week one of exams are officially overrrrr :D

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