29. 5 minutes

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    " ready to go? " takahashi asked

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

    " ready to go? " takahashi asked.

" let's. "

for the first time since you started dating takahashi, he actually kept his word about going home with you after initiating. in fact, to your pleasant surprise, he was already waiting for you at the school gate to go home together.

takahashi slipped his hands into yours as he interlocked your fingers with his own.

" oi takahashi, we're still nearby school, people are watching us, " you immediately responded as you tried to shake him off.

" so? if we were in the same class i'd hug you like this everyday, " takahashi said as he practically jumped on you from the back, giving you a back hug as you continued walking.

" nevermind let's get out of here quickly, " you said, clearly embarrassed, as you slipped out of his grasps and dragged him away from the school gate.

takahashi just simply giggled as he let his embarrassed girlfriend drag him away.

you finally released him when you felt like you were far enough from the student population in school.

" y/n... now can i hold your hand? " takahashi whined.

" do whatever you please, " you replied, even though you were silently wishing that he would stay true to his request.

" yay! "

takahashi then pounced onto you. this time round, you could feel his full weight on you. the sudden change in weight your legs had to carry caused you to stumble, almost tipping over like the teapot from that one nursery rhyme.

" oOmph- what do you think you are doing? and damn, what the hell are you made out of? why are you so heavy? "

" it's all muscle baby, " he replied as he clung onto you harder.

" h- hello? i am literally dying here please get down, " you said as you tried to maintain your wobbly balance.

thankfully, takahashi obliged sooner than you thought he would. he then proceeded to slide his hand into the palm of yours as he flashed you a cheeky grin.

" i seriously thought i was going to die, " you let out a sigh of relief as you straightened your crumpled uniform with your free hand.

" die of happiness and love? " he childishly asked.

" out of happiness my ass, " you deadpanned, still straightening your blouse.

just as you were waiting for takahashi to reply, you suddenly felt his grip tighten around your hand.

" what's up? " you wanted to ask. but you didn't need to because the first face you saw when you looked up wasn't takahashi's.

in front of you, not even seven feet away, you saw the boy you were thinking of that afternoon during lunch break.

the unmissable piercings. the unmistakable black on black fashion sense... even his hair is midnight black under the bright sun.

it's him.

" haru? " you called out.

" y/n! so happy to see you! " he chirped as he walked closer to the two of you.

then his eyes trailed down to your hands, intertwined with takahashi's, and then trailing back up to look at takahashi's stoic face.

" happy to see you too takahashi, " haru greeted in a sarcastic manner.

" it's been a while, " takahashi responded back, maintaining his expression while he gripped onto your hand tighter.

any damn tighter and my blood circulation would be cut off you dumbass!

" uh... y/n can i speak to you in private? " haru asked, breaking the awkward tension surrounding the three of you.

" if you have anything to say to her, say it here, " takahashi immediately butted in, " she's not going anywhere with you. "

" just because you finally patched up with y/n doesn't mean that you can order her around. she's your girlfriend, not your property, " haru back talked.

" it's not that i don't trust my girlfriend, it's that i don't trust you. "

am i suddenly invincible to them or what? hello? do i not get a say in this?

" guess what i don't trust you either. what i need to discuss with y/n is between y/n and i. it is none of you and your stinky ass' business. "

" what y/n knows i know. that's how much she trusts me. if you're going to say anything you better say it in my presence. "

" are you that insecure about your relationship with y/n that you have to follow her wherever she goes? what are you? a dog? "

" a dog? more like her boyf- "

you finally felt your patience run low as you felt something snap inside you.

" OKAY ARE YOU GUYS DONE? " you snapped as you shooked takahashi's hand out of your, " why are you talking about me as if i am not a present party? or is my presence too minuet for you to consider? "

" sorry y/n, i just wanted to speak to you alone but your boyfriend suddenly butted in, " haru sassed, making ' boyfriend ' sound like it's a dirty word.

" exactly i am her boyfriend. not her dog, " takahashi retaliated back.

there we go again.

you were clearly very annoyed. you shot takahashi the dirtiest look you could muster.

irony: if your boyfriend was a dog, he would've been whimpering and his big floppy ears would've been pressed down because in that moment, he was genuinely worried for his safety.

" sorry, " he managed to mutter out.

you looked away from takahashi and back at haru.

" takahashi give us five minutes i will be back soon, " you said.

" but- "

you turned back to look at takahashi. as angry as you might be, when it comes to takahashi, you try your best to put his emotions before yours. nonetheless, the warm blood of anger still surged in your blood vessels.

" it's only going to be five minutes. if i don't come back by then... then please come look for me, " you calmly requested as you waved right hand aimlessly in the air, as if you're the owner tempting her dog with a treat.

" okay... 5 minutes, " takahashi reinstated.

" 5 minutes. "

the nursery rhyme:

I'm a little teapot
Short and stout
Here is my handle
Here is my spout
When I get all steamed up
Hear me shout
Just tip me over and pour me out!

ahhh i miss curricula music lessons as a seven year old when my teacher used to make us sing this song.

also in case you missed it, my national exams are coming up really soon so i am afraid that writing/chapter updates would be delayed. nonetheless, i will still update but at a slower pace. thank you for being understanding <3

BOYFRIEND | takahashi ranحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن