T H I R T Y - O N E

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What Happens to the Forgotten Potter Twin
Also, slight spice warning:)

A while later, we entered the Great Hall, which was buzzing with life. It was packed with all the students since the sorting ceremony had just taken place.

Draco and I walked with our arms linked to the Slytherin table. I ignored the eyes on us as we walked.

I know it is for two reasons. One being the fact that I am walking arm-in-arm with Draco Malfoy, my ex and sworn enemy. Two, because I was wearing green robes rather than the red ones that I wore my prior years. Voldemort had insisted I switch. Snape did not seem intrigued by this idea, but he went along with it anyway and was able to get me into Slytherin.

However, my old housemates did not seem happy about that. As we walked by, Hermione stepped right in front of us.

"What are those!?" she cried.

I rolled my eyes. "Not even a 'Sorry for your loss' or 'I hope you're doing better. Sorry for not being there for you after your only parent figure died,'" I spat.

She seemed confused, as if she had no clue what I was talking about, as if she had not heard from me in two months because I left.

None of them bothered. They are all terrible people.

I shook my head. "You are all horrible people. Let's go, Draco," I mumbled as I pulled him around her.

I do not know why, but I was at least expecting an apology. I should have known it would never come though. It is okay though, my new friends and family actually care about me.

The Feast was the same as any other year. Dumbledore would give a speech and everyone would catch up while we enjoyed any food imaginable. Although, the feasts have gotten a little repetitive, considering this is one sixth one. With that, Draco and I decided to leave early.

We first went up to the Room of Requirement to be sure the Cabinet had made it up there. Draco held my hand as we walked through the aisles and aisles of stuff. Couches, desks, chairs, clothing, and other items. You name it, it could easily be found here.

After wandering for a while, we came up to the Cabinet, which Draco revealed by pulling off a big sheet.

I opened the door, which, to no surprise, revealed an empty Cabinet. However, when Draco fixes it, people will be able to travel to and from its Sister Cabinet.

I shut the door to the Cabinet and turned back around to face Draco, who was only inches away from me at this point. I smiled softly because I knew what was to come. My hand slid around the back of his neck and pulled his lips to mine, which eliminated the space between us entirely.

Our lips began to move together. He pushed me up against the Cabinet and deepened the kiss. I could not help but smile as we kissed.

His tongue dipped into my mouth while he began to undress me from my robes. I returned the favor. He freed me from my robe and tie, and I soon did the same to him. The kiss never broke until we removed each other's tops. Draco took that as the opportunity to move us over to a nearby couch. He lifted me easily and laid me on the velvet material before climbing back onto me and resuming the kiss that I never wanted to stop.

His cold hands slid alongside my bare skin and until they reached my skirt. He pulled it off easily, so I undid his belt. He kicked his trousers off and his kisses left my lips, but only to explore other parts of my body. I gasped softly as he nipped at my neck, but when a cry left my mouth, he spent some time in that area, until a huge mark appeared.

"Don't hold back, darling," he whispered, "I want to hear how good I make you feel."

Our eyes met while his hand stroked up and down my thigh. Butterflies filled in my stomach because I was so ready for him.

"Don't be a tease," I whispered.

A low chuckle came from him as he freed us from our final pieces of clothing.

"You're so desperate," he commented.

I smiled up at him. "Only for you."

He shook his head. "My little, needy whore."

"Mhm," I hummed. "So please stop being a tease."

A smirk formed onto his lips. "Only for you, darling."

And then, my cry pierced the air as our bodies met.

He rocked against me slowly at first while we both adjusted, but he soon began to go harder.

My mouth dropped open and Draco looked me directly in the eyes.

"Quit hiding the fact that I make you feel good or I will be sure you won't finish," he spat.

I smiled and did my best to swallow the cry that was building up within me. "Looks like I'll just have to do it myself then."

His pace stopped and he slid off of me. He stood from his place on the couch and crossed his arms. "Do it then. Prove to me that someone makes you feel better than I do."

My mouth dropped open. Hell no. In front of Draco? Hell no.

"That's what I thought. Now hands and knees, darling. This is going to be a punishment now."

I rolled onto my stomach and pushed myself up. Draco wore a smirk as he climbed onto the couch behind me.

"Now don't hold back, or I won't let you get off as easy next time," he murmured before thrusting into me.

The moan that I had been holding back escaped my lips, and they soon came in a series. I know Draco was wearing the most arrogant smirk.

"Good girl," he grunted from behind me as his pace quickened.

"Draco," I panted.

He groaned from behind me and pulled out, before flipping me onto my back. His lips found mine again and we both came crying against one another's lips as our bodies moved together one final time.

"Fuck," he mumbled after we had both come down from our highs. "I love you so much."

I laughed softly and traced my fingers along his toned stomach. "I love you too, Draco."

That night, it was rather late, so we returned to the Slytherin common room. Pansy was sitting on a couch.

"I'll see you in a few," I said to Draco. He nodded and planted a kiss on my forehead.

Pansy smiled and shut the book she was reading as I sat down beside her. "Your robes are undone," she observed.

"Great observation," I laughed before saying, "I'm happy we're back together."

She was still smiling. "Me too. You changed him for the better."

"Ugh, I know!" I cried, which drew a laugh from the both of us.

Pansy shook her head as she laughed. "So how did it happen? I wasn't expecting to see you two so in love after last year, in all honesty."

I felt a sigh escape me. "Well, you know... we both went through tough times over the summer, but we turned towards each other, and have been close ever since."

She stood up slowly and put a hand on my shoulder. "Well, I'm happy for you both, and I'm happy that you're in Slytherin now."

"Me too. I love you guys."

Pansy smiled and started to wander towards the stairs. "We love you too, babe. I'm off to bed, but don't keep Draco up too late. He's so unbearable to be around when tired."

I returned her smile. "Don't worry. I gave him all he needed earlier."

She laughed once more. "I am just so happy you two are back together."

All Because of a Bet (Draco x Y/n) Where stories live. Discover now