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Just Admit it, Y/n

Draco had a way of pissing me off and he was so good at it. The second we got off the train at the Hogsmeade station, he was by Daphne's side.

I watched as he kicked some first years out of a carriage just so he and Daphne could have it to themselves. Then, when we reached the castle, he was waiting on her hand and foot; opening doors for her and carrying around her bags and so much more.

At the feast he was all over her, and he kept on making eye contact with me which was so annoying.

"Everything alright?" Hermione questioned as my grip tightened around the spoon I was using to eat my dessert.

"Fine," I mumbled. "I'm not hungry anymore. I'm heading to bed. Will you be up soon? I may need help with some homework."

Hermione seemed hesitant which earned her a kick to the shin under the table from Ron. She shot him a very cold glare.

"Well, we actually have plans tonight... I can help you another time."

"Plans?" I questioned. It kind of stung because despite me being the odd one out from their little trio, they always include me in their plans.

"Yeah, sorry."

"Alright, how about you, Neville?" I asked.

He looked up at me and nearly jumped out of his skin. As a response, he stuffed a bunch of food in his mouth.

"You all are so hiding something from me," I mumbled defeatedly as I began to trudge out of the Great Hall.

I started to climb my way to Gryffindor Tower except on my way, I was slammed against a wall. I rolled my eyes and without looking said, "yes, Draco?"

"My dorm is the other way," he growled.

"Okay? I know my way around Hogwarts," I spat.

A small smirk formed on his face. "Feisty."

I rolled my eyes once more. "I'm busy."

"No you aren't," he stated as he leaned against the nearby doorway so I was no longer pressed up against a wall.

"Goodnight, Malfoy."

He pouted at me and for whatever reason, I didn't walk away.

"Just admit your feelings for me."

"Are they not obvious?" I snarled.

Draco chuckled and adjusted his robe. "I have you all figured out. You claim to be hard and hate me, but you are so madly in love with me."

"No. You claim that I'm madly in love, but I really just hate you. Get that idea out of your thick skull."

He sighed and stood up from where he was leaning against the door. "Very well then."

"Where are you going?" I asked with a sudden sense of urgency.

"To find someone who actually wants to be with me," he stated.

I scoffed and threw my hands up in annoyance before storming up to him, throwing my arms around his neck, and slamming my lips onto his. He took no time to wrap his arms around my waist and kiss back.

At that moment, I let my guard down, but I didn't really care because even I can't hide the fact that I am slowly falling for Draco Lucius Malfoy.

I sighed against his lips as he pulled me closer to him. Never in my life would I have wanted to be so close to Draco Malfoy so I took a fistful of his robes and deepened the kiss even more.

"Someone needs me," he murmured against my lips.

"Don't get too full of yourself," I replied.

He chuckled and pulled out of the kiss. "But you kissed me, darling."

"Even if I loved you, I would never want to be with you," I jeered.

He raised an eyebrow at me. "Love, you don't make any sense."

"You're nothing more than a good time. I might feel a little something towards you, but I don't and never could really or truly love you."

His eyes narrowed and he crossed his arms. "You do love me," he resented.

I shook my head and readjusted my robes. "Maybe the idea of being with you... in certain ways, but not you in general."

"Let me prove myself."

"You had years for that. Now are you going to accept the fact that I'll never love you so we can move on?"

"You'll learn to love me. That's all I have to say."

And I already was. But was I going to admit that? No. Of course not.




I watched as she sauntered off. My cheeks heated up and I fell back against the wall. How did she manage to make me feel like this? Never have I fallen this hard.

But how can she not even feel an ounce of love towards me? Yes, I'm aware I was not always the nicest to her over the years, but is it not obvious that I have changed? And because of her.

I hate Theo because of this. If he had never initiated that stupid bet, I could be living a normal life and not chasing some Gryffindork... I'm really falling for a Gryffindork. If only she realized how much I have widened my standards, and just for her. How ungrateful can one be? I'm Draco Malfoy, and yet she rejects me.

Whatever. That girl will love me.

A while later, I trudged into the Slytherin Common Room where Pansy, Blaise, Theo, and Daphne sat crowded around a coffee table.

"Where were you?" asked Blaise after I sat beside him.

"Probably with Y/n," Pansy said with a knowing smirk.

Daphne seemed to tense up, but I really didn't pay any attention to her. If I want Y/n, I need to cut ties with those who will prevent that.

"Really?" Theo questioned with raised eyebrows.

"We were just talking," I mumbled.

"So you still haven't given up on the bet?" he asked.

I sat back on the couch and shut my eyes. "My intentions with her are no longer for the bet."

"You love her?" he questioned which made the group fall silent.

"How could one not..."

"No fucking way. You have gone soft," Blaise chuckled.

"Oh, shut it! I have not," I snapped.

Pansy also began to giggle. "You should see your face right now. Dreamy eyes and red cheeks... I wish someone looked like that when they talked about me."

I glared at my friends. "Not a word about this."

"No need. It's so obvious," Theo stated.

I stuck up my middle finger in his direction. "Just stay out of it. I have a plan."

Blaise laughed. "That never goes well."

All Because of a Bet (Draco x Y/n) Where stories live. Discover now